[Completed] Book Two
Following Aurora's graduation from Hogwarts, she was reminded once more that Immer Rein had not expired so simply. If anything it had been demanded almost immediately as soon as she found herself of legal age.
After the chaotic...
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Evelyn had been a regular visitor right alongside Clem as Rory wanted to integrate the young Slytherin graduate into the wife group.
Aurora thought it was a bit coincidental that these friend groups were staying within their given circle, although Clem's choice in Mr.Rookwood was still considered damning...It wasn't her entire choice, as she claimed he was better than the rest of her options.
Granted he was rising in the ranks, but Rabastan wasn't going to forgive and forget the one who badmouthed his wife.
The two wanted to play with the kids, and honestly Rory needed them entertained as she battled out her contractions.
"Rory please, let me call the healer."
"She's not completely ready to come." In terms of experience, Rory would be the one with the knowledge of what to expect and what feelings she was managing through.
While Evelyn held onto Roe with the same expression as before.
"Should I call Walden?" It was a delight to hear that McNair was letting his future little wife call him by his first name. It pleased her and earned him a pinch of his cheek, which he lightly swatted away and claimed that he wasn't a child.
In truth she was seeing McNair more than her actual husband.
As Aurora was about to protest, the next contracted had her lean forward and without a groan. "Yes...Yes just do it." Clementine had already warned Evelyn that Aurora and pain did not mix well, and even though she experienced birth three times prior.
It still didn't numb the pain.
Clem had been the first to act to call the healer, but since it was just a quick shout into the fireplace, it left Evelyn to head to the Malfoy manor.
The young witch shivered, though it was well into the July month, it was the eery dread she felt as she looked up to the esteem manor. Her father taught her to try and command a room, but honestly the young girl was still having trouble, especially after her mother had died.
Hurrying along to the door did she give it a firm knock before being greeted by not an elf, but a Death Eater. "Name." It sounded like a deep growl, but the wizard had smelled her fear and watched in amusement to her flinch.
"I—I'm here to see McNair or Rabastan—"
"We're busy girlie, best run home." He licked his fangs, and blinked his unnatural eyes as though she was a small bunny that—