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There was one single Lestrange that was sporting a rather bright face, and that was Senior Lestrange.

Rabastan held a seldom expression, watching like a hawk to all those who were laughing and celebrating. This was the dark world of their society.

Someone dies, another remarries.

Had Aurora died when giving birth to the twins he would've been forced to the altar, his children would've been given a step-mother. Would they have been pushed aside while that imaginary woman birthed more children?

Would he have more children?

"Sulking is not going to make it better," Aurora whispered, trading her full glass for his empty one of champaign. "A step-mother. Rory a sister is one, a new—"

"I never said you have to talk to her, Lydia is innocent. An aunt to our children just as much as—" Rodolphous had wandered closer to his siblings and scoffed at the two discussing the fundamentals of their new little sister.

"Not just as much. She's half."
"That half is enough for her to gain the name. Honestly, I cannot believe you two." She wiggled her way out of her husband's hold and went off to cater to the children, they were all dressed for the occasion.

Halsey even acting as flower girl for their grandfather right beside Lydia.

The involvement meant everything to Senior Lestrange.

"If I didn't know any better, your wife must be with child or—"
"Neither. I have already heard her complaints on how we aren't grateful for a sibling when she...She doesn't have any more." Rodolphous hadn't look to it that way, not at all.

But of course the sensible one in the family would.

"Hm, and Bella's antics are still driving her up the wall. Where is your wife?" Rabastan knew of course where she was, on a mission to be excused from this horrid event. But none too easy was it known the sexual relationship Bella had with the Dark Lord.

"Perhaps you would make do with some bastard children if it meant having some of your own." Rabastan joked, and it had been the settling notion in Rodolph's mind that perhaps his little brother is right.

"Do you think Cassi would carry my—" Rabastand had choked on his polite sip of fire whiskey only to silently curse out his brother.

"We're not having any more children."
"I didn't say you yourself, I meant myself and—" The dark and possessive eyes silenced Rodolphous and his next thought.

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