Chapter 1

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Ella closed her eyes for a microsecond and hoped that when she opened them she wouldn't find herself facing David. But as soon as she opened her eyes she knew her hopes were dashed. Of course getting Amelia kitted out for this bike trip meant that Ella and Amelia were in the one and only store in town that was likely to sell the kind of gear Amelia needed. A store owned by Jack, one of the co leaders on the trip, and David's foster brother. Though Ella knew that Jack and David were foster brothers, she had not expected to run into David today. Why wasn't he in school?

"What about this?" Amelia stepped out, wearing skin tight lycra cycle shorts. Despite the fact that she was one of the cleverest people Ella knew, Ella couldn't help but be amused as she watched Amelia's attempt to catch site of her butt in the skin tight lycra.

"Only if you have no mercy." David teased with easy charm as he came closer, his grin widened when he saw her blush. She was so ingenuous. And lovely. And easily teased. His lips twitched but he banked his amusement, pretty sure that she wouldn't be able to handle his lascivious grin. Nevertheless he teased, "How are the poor men in the group meant to concentrate if you wear those?"

He hadn't noticed Ella who stood to the side and hidden from his view by the stack of surfboards. David leaned nonchalantly against the changing room door and deliberately, forgetting his intention not to show lasciviousness, he allowed Amelia to see him scan her, from top to toe. Amelia went a lovely shade of beetroot, but did her best not to squirm as his eyes danced.

"My heart attack is kicking in." He winked and those gorgeous blue eyes twinkled with more devilment. Lycra suited her willowy figure. His brother was definitely going to have heart failure when he saw Amelia in Lycra.

Amelia pulled herself together and smiled at him. Strange, but she was enjoying his banter. It wasn't often that a fit guy made out that she was beautiful. Certainly not one of the prime time hunks that lived in her town. She was coming to know David better, as she had signed up for the fund raising cycle trek around the south island, and had spent more time talking with him. She liked the fact that he found it easy to compliment her and tease her in the same breath. He had an easy-going charm that came across as dangerous and endearing. Most men had never taken the time to look, let alone talk to her.

Amelia tugged at the lycra waist, desperately wanting to ease the material that had crawled up her crotch, but even she knew that was not the thing to do in public, with a gorgeous guy observing every move. These Lycra traps were probably designed by men, misogynistic men.

"Jack said to get three pairs of cycle shorts." She reminded, in what David considered her studious voice as she bent at the waist and tried to surreptitiously slide the hem of the legs down, in the vain hope it would take the rest of the material with it. No such luck, the material now appeared to be glued to the juncture of her thighs. Giving up, Amelia stood and tried to feign comfort.

David thanked the guys who had come up with the idea of Lycra, clearly connoisseurs when it came to showcasing women's attributes. "Yes. But he said cycle shorts, not lethal weapons." David told her and grinned again when he saw the blush reappear. Then he added in an undertone, "Heart failure. He's going to have heart failure."

Over the last few weeks, David had found Jack's reaction to this studious woman unexpected and interesting. In theory his brother and the woman standing in front of him right at the moment had nothing in common. Yet at every meeting Jack appeared to be spending more and more time talking to her. Which was amazing. For Jack usually avoided intelligent women. His education was piecemeal at best, and as a consequence he tended to view most academics as out of touch with the real world and he tended to avoid them. But this woman had managed to slide beneath that barrier, and from where David stood, Jack was definitely interested in her.

Amelia wondered what David was talking about, and about whom. But rather than try to figure it out, she tried to turn to see if she could catch sight of her rear in the mirror. "These are really kind of clingy aren't they?" She wriggled, and pulled at the material that clung tightly to her hips. At least she didn't have a visible panty line. Thank goodness for small mercies. She'd probably never have known about VPL had it not been for Ella. Shopping with Ella was educational. The woman rarely bought anything that looked remotely practical. When Amelia was at a department store and picked up her standard pack of five cotton knickers for the price of four, opting for black instead of her stock white in a fit of bravery, Ella had promptly removed them from Amelia's grasp and tossed them back onto the pile. Some ten minutes later Ella had ushered Amelia into a lingerie shop and asked for a whole range of items using terms Amelia pretended she knew. Matching bra and knickers, with no VPL. Bustiers. Balconette. Cross over, strapless, and halter neck bras in silks and satins. Thongs, high legs, shorts. Several hundred pounds poorer, Amelia left the shop wondering whether she would have the nerve to even wear half of what was purchased. That was nearly two years ago. Since then she had not resorted to wearing standard black or white cotton knickers. Instead she opted for jewel coloured silk underwear. Wearing something extravagant on the inside gave her that extra bit of confidence. Why, she had yet to fathom out, for there was only one person who saw her in her silk bra and knickers and that was Amelia Peters!

"Great ass!" David teased, knowing that she would go crimson again. She was so gorgeous when she was embarrassed. He knew he shouldn't tease her, he just couldn't help it.

Amelia folded her arms and threw him a look that was spoilt by the tilt to her lips. "You're not supposed to say things like that." Amelia couldn't help the primness in her voice, though she liked his comment. Plus if he noticed, there was a chance he would mention it to his brother.

"Why?" He folded his arms, mimicking her behaviour. She scowled at him, he leaned against the counter and with utter ease waited for her response to his cheeky question.

"Well. Cause." Flustered Amelia frowned at him before she turned to face her friend and asked more pensively, "What do you think Ella?"

David straightened instantly. The teasing vanished. He should have guessed she'd be here. The smile disappeared, his demeanour shifted. His reaction to her was normal. Perfectly normal. But he didn't have to like it. All he had to do was pretend she was just an item of furniture. Easier said than done.

Ella moved into his line of sight, but she didn't bother to look at him. Didn't even bother to acknowledge him. No pleasantries were exchanged. Instead Ella kept her attention on Amelia, "They're perfect. The right length. Great colour." Ella stated calmly.

Amelia beamed, forgetting the fact the shorts were practically sprayed on and had a disconcerting knack of riding up. "Ok, now to get those thermal bits and some long sleeve breathable, or whatever shirts. And I need some light weight waterproofs." Amelia tried to remember all the items she still had to purchase.

"I'll leave you to it ladies." David hadn't so much as greeted Ella, but she knew that he was fully aware of her. His tone gave him away. He'd gone from light-hearted and teasing to emotionless and direct. The easy-going camaraderie had vanished. The frost was there. She knew that if she were to look at him, his eyes would be flinty and his jaw would be tense.

They'd survived two years of a cold war. He usually didn't bother to give her the time of day. If they saw each other and were heading toward each other, he'd cross the street well before their paths would cross. He had been doing it for two years and now had it down to a fine art. She was sure that no one but her noticed his avoidance strategies. He usually seemed to have a radar alert where she was concerned. Not that he was the only one contributing to the cold war.

Ella was equally aware that she tended to avoid David whenever she could too. The only difference between the two of them, was the speed of their reactions. He was quicker to spot her and quicker to take evasive action.

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