Chapter 48

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"Stop being an idiot!" Jack told him with brother wisdom. "Dave, just talk to her. About what happened ten years ago."

"Like she's going to do that. I tried to do that when she visited me at home, and she scarpered. "

"Make her listen." Jack looked over at David. "You are good at giving advice, now it is time for you to follow your own advice! Do you remember when you gave me advice, when I was struggling with my relationship with Amelia? You told me to talk to her."

"I told you. I tried that." He ran his fingers through his hair, and his voice grew low and showed his frustration, "Ella scarpered. Fast!"

"Talk to her when she comes to the wedding." Jack suggested. The question was whether it was the right time or the right venue. David and Ella need to have this conversation in private, not at a public event. But if this was the only option, it was better than nothing.

"I expected Amelia to ask both Gabriella and Evangeline to be bridesmaids or whatever." David murmured.


David gave Jack a stony look, "I just said, I thought Amelia would have asked Ella to be her bridesmaid."

"She did. Ella said no." Jack's eyes narrowed.

The air crackled.


"Her sister is having a baby." Jack pointed out what he thought David already knew. "I thought you already knew."

"So?" David finished his beer. His head was spinning, not because of the alcohol, the fact that he couldn't hold her in his arms at the wedding. "Are you saying she isn't coming to Amelia's wedding?"

Jack shook his head. "No. She is coming." He couldn't miss David's sigh of relief.

"She is definitely coming." David said, while his mind questioned that statement. She might find another reason not to come on the day.

If Jack was still not sure about David's feelings, the emotions he saw in David's eyes confirmed his suspicions. Jack recognised those emotions in David's eyes, because they mirrored his feelings about Amelia. Either David was already in love with Ella, or was on the way to that.

"Ella's gone to Auckland to be with her sister for a few days, just popped down for this, today. She is heading back. But she'll be back here for my wedding. Flying in the day before I believe."

"Oh." David used his heel of his palm to wipe his lip and it gave him a chance to hide his eyes behind the fence of his fingers. He knew his recent conversation with Ella, resulted in this impasse. At that time, he thought his actions, and his advice to Ella was the best for all: him, her, Amelia and Jack. But with hindsight, his frustration tarnished his statements, and his tone hadn't helped. He knew his tone and words abraded their relationship. By the end of their conversation he knew he had left their association scratched and battered. All because he was annoyed by the fact she went out with Ben's share-milker and she enjoyed her date! His frustration exploded in his mind and it showed in his eyes.

Jack watched the explosion in David's eyes. Jack narrowed his eyes, "Did you say something to her?" The question suddenly hit Jack. He'd thought it rather odd that Ella had suddenly had to fly to be with her sister. And Jack knew that Amelia was not happy that Ella was not available.

"Say what?" David said quietly but Jack saw David's neck redden.

"Amelia and I saw you guys having a cosy chat at the bbq." Jack narrowed his eyes. The problem was that David was good at keeping schtum when it suits him. "Thought that boded well for the wedding party. But the next day, Amelia asked Ella and Ella declined. She said she'd be with her sister in the next few weeks, and it wouldn't be a good idea to have her in our bridal team, as she would be here and couldn't help Amelia or me."

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