Chapter 84

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David knew about an awards dinner, because he got a call from a friend from the rugby administration world with an invitation to the award dinner. David was invited probably because he was one of the many young men that Ella's father had coached over the years. Now if only he could find where he'd put the invitation. He hoped he wouldn't be turfed out if he arrived tonight without confirming his attendance with his friend or the organisers. So he phoned his friend to confirm his attendance to see if he had missed the boat. But before he did that, he need to confirm that Ella would be there.

"Can you give you me her number?" David asked Amelia for Ella's phone number. He was pretty sure her father was going to receive a lifetime award, and David was sure that not everyone had been sworn to secrecy. In any case he needed to know if Ella was going to be there. And if she wasn't there, then he had a huge forensic task ahead.

She folded her arms and tipped her head to the side and watched David. Amelia narrowed her eyes, she said, "Why?"

"So see if it matches what I have!" David said as if that was obvious.

Amelia frowned she was expecting more, she was sure that David's reason was not the only motive. She waited for a few seconds. He gestured with his hand, waiting for her response. But, to his surprise, she retrieved her phone, without further questions, and read out the number to him.

David smiled at Amelia. He immediately phoned that number. Nothing. He double-checked the number with Amelia and she again read out the number and confirmed the number was correct.

"She has probably switched off her mobile." Amelia said watching David's disgruntled reaction. "She could be on the road or at the airport car hire company." More than likely she was still on the road on the way to the airport.

But David ignored Amelia's explanation and called the number again. With the phone still ringing, David looked over at Amelia, "Has she gone to her sister's place?" He was trying to finesse his plan. If Ella was with her sister, David could go there.

Amelia quirked a brow at David then looked over at Jack. Amelia recognised the characteristics shared by the two brothers: Obstinate. Determined. Persistent.

"You two are two peas in a pod!"

"What?" David scowled.

"Doesn't matter." Amelia grinned at David. " I am not sure where exactly Ella has gone." And before David could interrupt her, Amelia continued, "We had more important information to share and talk about."

"Like what?" David grumbled as he listened to the incessant ringing tone.

Amelia looked over at Jack. Jack smiled in encouragement.

"What?" David recognised the silent signal between Jack and Amelia.

"We are expecting." Jack said and reached for Amelia's hand and drew her closer.

David shrugged in bafflement. "You are expecting what?" His mind was elsewhere.

Amelia said succinctly, "I am pregnant." She and Jack now knew that they conceived before their wedding! People might work it out, if they ask about the baby's due date. But Amelia and Jack didn't care and they only intended to tell their family and close friends, until she showed.

David disengaged the call, when Amelia's words registration. He beamed at Amelia and then Jack. "Congratulations. Mum and dad will be pleased!" He gave Amelia a gentle hug, enveloped her in his arms then gave Jack a hug, David's hands patted Jack's back.

"We were going to tell them today." Amelia said as she watched the two brothers and saw the emotions in their eyes.

While David celebrated the good news with Amelia and Jack, he knew that information derailed his goal, albeit only for a few hours.

Late that evening, David walked into a reception for the awards dinner and wasn't at all surprised to see many familiar faces. He might not be playing competitively anymore, but he had kept up with the rugby world. He knew most of the people by name, could address them on first name terms, though some of the younger ones were new to him.

He found his friend who had been sensible and brought along a date, and together with instructions from the ushers, they headed for the hall for the dinner and their assigned table. As he took his seat he glanced around, trying to see if Ella had already arrived. He spotted her father as soon as they entered the hall, because Ella's father he was the centre of attention. But David couldn't see Ella. Or any other member of her family. Surely they would attend. Surely.

It was nearly twenty minutes later when she and her sisters entered the hall. David's eyes tracked Ella from head to foot. The four women and four men made their way toward the main table. She'd brought a date? David fought off the slow burn. Within twenty hours she had a date? Within twenty hours she'd tossed him aside and brought another man. He did his best not to watch Ella and her date, every move, but it was a lost cause.

She was obviously flirting with the man: Could tell from the way she tilted her head, the way she smiled at him, the way she looked at him. Jealousy licked through his veins. The slow burn escalated.

She was bloody flirting: What the hell did she think she was doing flirting with that man? David fumed. She had left him a note this morning. She wrote she would return his tshirt. Surely that meant she was coming back to him! But within twenty hours, she had moved on! Or, when she made love with him, she already had a date with this man! His jealousy bloomed with a vengeance.

David felt his temper ratcheted up. The proceedings went from the meal to the speeches. And his gaze remained on her. Each award was followed by a thank you spiel. And as he waited for the awards to stop, his temper increased.

Over ten years he knew they had something special, earlier today he couldn't imagine life without her. The problem was that he was expecting competition here. In two years, she'd practically shot down every man who dared to ask her out, and here she was practically sitting in this guy's lap. Laughing. The stranger reciprocated Ella's smile. That stranger knew how to turn on the charm. And who the hell was he?

David reached a stage where he was not going to tolerate any more.Enough was enough. He fumed silently. And why did he feeling this emotion, the acute sense of loss, seeing her with another man.He swirled the contents of his glass. He was definitely in love with her.Really loved her. That realisation hit him hard. He might be sitting in a hall, with hundreds around, but in that moment everyone fading away. All he could see was Ella

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