Chapter 33

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For the next tug David was called away to deal with some emergency or other, and two of the guys had shown up, so Ella stood down, because Amelia looked slightly despondent when Ben had suggested that she, as the smallest should stand down. They won that tug easily and headed for the semis later that afternoon. Amelia was elated as they headed back to the picnic. About an hour later Ben came to get them for the three-legged race. He knew he'd wind Jack up by insisting that Amelia was his partner for the race, he fully intended to keep Jack on his toes. Amelia had to practically coerce Jack to pair up with Ella, while she and Ben got their laces tied. Ella saw that David paired up with Lise. They shuffled toward the start line. Amelia and Ben talking tactics, while Jack looked at them in complete bafflement.

"It's just a three legged race." He told them.

"With that attitude you aren't even going to finish!" Ben told him, knowing that Amelia would take the race seriously as she'd done last year.

Ella laughed. David turned at the sound, and watched as his friend and foster brother Jack put an arm around her waist and hauled her close, before he leaned in to whisper something in her ear. Ella grinned. David felt a gut punch. That surprised him. He knew that Jack wasn't interested in Ella, he knew that Jack was completely head over heels in love with Amelia, and yet, seeing Jack hold Ella had David itching to punch him.

"What did you tell her?" Amelia asked, flicking a look from Jack to Ella.

"Secret team tactics." Jack told Amelia with a smug grin.

"Fine." Amelia replied, tugged at the lace to see if she and Ben were securely tied, then added, "Want to make this a competition?"

"It is." Jack reminded her dryly.

"Between us?"

"Ok." He said with a grin. "If I win I get to kiss you. If you win you get to kiss me!"

Amelia laughed. Then they were called to get ready.

They both started well, but half way down the path they had to clear a set of obstacles, and that was literally their down fall.

David and Lise finished well before the rest of them, and watched as the other couples made it across the line. Ella and Jack, and Ben and Amelia were making a particular hash of it. They were falling over constantly, probably because Jack kept hauling Amelia toward him, or pushing Ben away, and usually loosing his own balance in the process. David couldn't help but watch Ella. It wasn't often he got to see her so relaxed. She reminded him of the young girl he knew ten years ago. Eventually they finished, and while they were sprawled on the ground, Jack began to untie the ribbons that tied their ankles together. Ben did the same for him and Amelia.

"You cheated." Amelia lunged playfully for Jack. "You kept pushing us."

He grinned. "Me? I don't think so. You guys couldn't go in a straight line. I was just helping you." Jack reached for Ella's hand and pulled her to her feet, "Me and my partner here," He tugged Ella close to his side, "We did a sterling job! Great partnership. Perfect blend of skill and...."

Amelia smacked his arm and that stopped him. He pretended to take offence with Amelia as he hauled Ella closer to his side. "We might have won, if you guys hadn't got in our way." He told Amelia. Ben sniggered. "Amelia, you and that idiot couldn't coordinate!"

Together in the group of four they walked toward David and Lise.

One of the organisers headed for David and his partner, Lise, ready to congratulate them and hand over the bottles of wine. When he reached them he announced their names and congratulated them and gave them a bottle each. While the crowd of onlookers cheered, Lise reached up, locked a hand around David's neck and pulled his head down to hers for a congratulatory kiss. Jack felt Ella stiffen instantly. Automatically he turned to look at her, and the stark pain he saw in her eyes had him puzzled. Her reaction was not what he had expected. She looked devastated. The crowd began to clap. Ella pulled out of his light hold and stepped back.

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