Chapter 9

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Amelia was delighted with her cycle trip. She absolute loved it. 

So, when she came back from her cycle trip on the South Island she arranged to meet up with her friends. Evie suggested they came around to her place. Ella brought wine and Amelia brought food. Ella and Evie were very keen to hear about her outing. It was new for Amelia, because she had never done any outdoor camps at school.

Within ten minutes, listening to Amelia, Ella was certain that an outdoor experience can help your confidence. Amelia was buzzing: Her tone, the way she talked about the trip, the people she talked about, was wonderful. Amelia regaled them with stories: What was great, what was terrifying, and why. Ella knew that Amelia rescued Jack during that trip, because Ben told her about the quake and the fact that Amelia held onto Jack during the quake. Ella waited for Amelia recount her version of that rescue. And when Amelia didn't mention it, Ella prompted her.

"Ben told me you held onto Jack."

"He told you?"


"You held onto Jack?" Evie's eyes widened. "He's massive! How did you hold him?"

"Just initially. I grabbed his shirt and his hand, and Nic held onto my legs! And then Ben and David took over and then yanked him up onto the ledge."

Ella's smile widened as she listened to Amelia while Evie bombarded her with questions about that event. Amelia wasn't used to roughing it, but she really appeared to thrive on this outdoor trip. She hadn't even been on an outdoor education trip before, hadn't been on school trips, but she appeared more confident after this trip. And she was really happy.

Ella thought it was more about the fact that she excelled at something that was physical, not just cerebral. She knew that Amelia always thought about her as being nothing but a shy geek, and handling this cycle trip, showed her that she was more than her brain. Also, according to Ben, Jack and Amelia hit it off on the trip and the fact that Amelia blushed every time Ben teased her about her relationship with Jack. So, from Ella's perspective, the cycle trip was a big hit. And apparently, that spiteful woman, Jane, was off Jack's radar.

In her bare feet Evie walked out of the lounge, saying, "Hold onto to that, Ames. I don't want to miss anything. I'm going to make a cup of tea, d'you want one?" Ella and Amelia shook their heads. "More nuts? Or Biscuits?"

Amelia shrugged, and Ella nodded saying, "Nuts, please, Evie."

Amelia figured she should start a new topic. She was pretty sure if she kept going on about her trip, they would be really bored. In any case, there was nothing left to share, she had finished talking about her trip. She had rehashed the earthquake's consequences; that she got to know Nic who was new to the town; that she had managed the trip without any real problem apart from her injury from the earthquake. They spent ages on Jane: mainly about Jane's behaviour on the trip. And they all reached the same conclusion, that Jane was malicious, nasty, vindictive witch! It didn't take long for Amelia and Evie to realise that they both had issues with Jane. Having compared notes, they agreed that Jane was after their men!

Amelia got up and refilled Ella's wine glass, topped up her own glass and returned to her seat. While Evie was in her kitchen, the topic suddenly veered off the trip, moving the focus from Amelia to Ella.

Ella wasn't expecting an inquisition as an offshoot of the trip. The last few hours they had not talked about David. They talked about Jack, a topic that Ella and Evie wanted, because they wanted details, in particular, to know if Amelia had made any progress. Tey also talked about Ben, a topic that Amelia wanted advice, because she thought Nic might be a good fit for Ben. No really mention of David, apart from the time when Amelia told them about David put her shoulder back in. But even then, it was referenced to Jack's mishap during that earthquake and the focused on Jack's luck and Amelia's courage.

But unfortunately for Ella, while Evie was out of the room, Amelia brought up the topic of David and Ella. Initially Ella, with her skill at managing topics, she tried to shift the gist of the conversation. She hoped she could plug the conversation, before Evie returns to the room. Unluckily for Ella, Amelia was in full stubborn-mode. And boosted with her new confidence she continually rehashed David's news while Ella just repeatedly shrugged, sipped her wine, and didn't add anything.

Evie returned with packets of snacks, just in time to hear Amelia saying, "He said you were kissing him and he was practically accused of sexual harassment."

Evie nearly dropped the snacks, her eyes widened as she looked at Amelia and then Ella. Sexual harassment? Ella kissed some guy? Which guy? There was no gossip about Ella. If Ella had kissed someone at their town, it would be headlines in their local newspaper!

Amelia cupped her hands around the glass she held, but watched her friend carefully. "Apparently he was accused of taking advantage of you when you were at school." Amelia frowned at Ella and watched her for a few tense seconds, "That can't be right."

"What?" She said in exasperation, finally answered Amelia's questions and knew now that the interrogation was going to get worse, now that Evie was back in the room. "That I kissed him?" Ella replied with her own question for Amelia. That gave Ella a chance to review her option. Amelia nodded. Ella decided that the best option would be to pretend that this was just a rumour that has no future, and if she answered that question, perhaps Evie wouldn't dig further. "So yes, I did kiss him! Does it matter!" Ella knew it did matter, she just didn't want anyone to know that.

Evie squawked, "You kissed who?" So much for not digging further, Ella thought. Evie dropped the packets of the nuts. Thankfully they were still in their packets. Evie bent and picked up the packets, saying, "When?"

Ella grimaced, considered her routes and in the end she questioned, "Does it matter, when?" She muttered beneath her breath, and again admitted, "We kissed." Actually, only one kiss.

Evie shrieked again, "Really?" Evie moderated her tone. "Who? Exactly, Ella." This was new information to Evie. She left for a few seconds and the topic became juicy! Her friend Ella, was good at maintain her equanimity. She gave the impression that she was cold fish. She always stayed calm, showed dignity, and had amazing confidence. She unremittingly dressed as if she had a significant meeting with important people. She had style. She was lucky to have good deportment. But on top of that, she knew exactly what suited her personality and her figure. But despite that, she was single. That was her fault, or as Evie and Amelia said before, Ella was too choosy.

Many local single guys had approached Ella, and she went on dates with a few, over the last two years. However, she didn't take it any further. All she afforded their suitors, was just one date.

She didn't kiss on a first date. So the fact she had kissed someone was big news! The fact that the kiss occurred on a first date was huge news. Either way, if she had gone on another date with the same guy it would be big news in their town.

"David." Amelia replied quietly, seeing that Ella was not going to supply that information and Evie was practically apoplectic. 

David obviously told Amelia something. Except, it looked like he didn't tell Amelia the whole history. Or perhaps, David told her everything, well at least David's version.

"David?" Evie nearly dropped the packets again. "Our David? Local David?" She was watching Ella after Amelia dropped that bomb about  kissing. "The guy that Ella avoided for the last two years? Jack's brother, that David?" Evie frowned as she sought confirmation of her assumption.

Amelia nodded and wished again that she had not started this conversation.

Ella stiffened and her eyes narrowed when she looked at Amelia. Ella grumbled, "How many Davids do you know?" She sipped her wine again, got up and went to stand by the window.

"One!" Evie countered mockingly. "But the one I know, is the one that you avoided. For over two years!" Evie retorted and flopped back on her sofa. She was genuinely curious. "In any case, how can you kiss a guy if you have dodged the guy?" Evie looked back at Amelia, given that Ella turned her back to Amelia and Evie. "David, are you sure, Ames?" Evie tried to get confirmation. "David, that absolutely gorgeous guy, mind, body and soul, who Ella steered away as if he was the plague, that David?"

Ella ignored that comment, of course she avoided the guy. 

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