Chapter 89

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Very soon they were back at ignition stage.

Seconds later, he pulled back, so that he could watch her. Wanted her to open her eyes. He waited. Her eyelashes fluttered, then she opened her eyes and looked at him.

His fingers deftly slid beneath the waistband, tugged the slip of material away, and reached without any preamble for the hot wetness between her legs. "Gabriella." Him using her name, and his action took those tiny tremors in her body back to detonation stage. He gently pressed two fingers into her while his palm ground tenderly against her. Ella arched.

Ella's fingers fisted even more tightly in his hair as he stroked her lovingly. She arched instantly, forcing his fingers deeper.

"Ella." He growled again as he tugged out of her grasp and lowered to take a breast in his mouth.

"Please." She pleaded and reached for his hand, forcing him against her.

One arm banded across the back of her waist, while his other hand and fingers remained at her crotch, his fingers stroking hard and fast, his palm grinding gently. His tongue gently and tenderly circled her nipple, before his teeth caught and tugged, extending then relaxing.

Ella dug her nails into his shoulders as she held on.

Then all of a sudden his fingers left her, he dropped down onto his knees, and dragged her knickers down her legs, before gently pushing her backward so that she tipped over and fell onto the bed. He tugged her knickers off completely, then lifted up both ankles and kneeling by the bed, placed her ankles on his shoulders. Their eyes met. Blazing need was recognised. Slowly, his eyes never leaving hers, he stood, her legs ran the length of his torso. With infinite care and utter tenderness, he slowly fitted himself to her. Her breath hitched. With little preamble he leaned forward until she was practically doubled up, and he was fully embedded in one slow deep thrust. Face to face, almost eye to eye, they breathed hard, each taking a few seconds to get used to the feeling, the pleasure, the wanting, the desire. He planted a palm on either side of her head, and leaned in to brush her lips gently, his mouth and tongue doing everything to increase her pleasure. David couldn't help the groan as he felt her clench around him. Hot, tight, wet, warm. He glanced at their locked bodies. Then he pulled back, so that he could watch her.

Her body accommodated him. He filled her, stretched her. "Ella. Look at me." He told her with a breathless hitch to his voice, and waited for her eyes to focus on him. Her breath caught. He pulled out, then slowly, very, very slow, drove higher.

"Is this ok?" He circled his hips and held himself poised, waiting for her response.

"Yes." She whispered, her breath nothing more than a whisper. "Deeper."

He withdrew. Ella panted as her body slid roughly up the bed with the gentle, but complete force of the thrust. He leaned over her, his body forcing her legs to splay, her knees up by her shoulders. He held her shoulders, pinning her down firmly, as he thrust again, slow, hard, high, rock solid.

"Too much?"

She muttered into his neck. "No. Don't stop." She told him. "It feels perfect. Heaven." It seems that make love with him, at any and everyway, was perfect.

Externally pinned as his body pressed hers into the mattress, her legs akimbo, her shoulders held, her arms locked by the her own ankles. Ella was pinned as he skewered. David's gaze skimmed over the connection of their bodies. Slicked. Hot. Flushed. He nuzzled her forehead and he slowed down the tempo. Gave Ella a chance to catch her breath. She kept her eyes on him, saw him smile gently at her, "Alright?" He asked. She nodded. David felt her spasm around him. Slowly he moved, rocking his hips, penetrating then withdrawing. Slow, slow, slow, then fast. He varied the stroke. Unhurried he gradually built movement, enhancing her pleasure, his deliberate slowness, measured and a stark contrast to her frenzied thrashing. He slowed again, gave her a chance to re-gather her composure, to catch her breath. To look at him. Their eyes met and held.

Ella's breath caught as he gently stroked in and out. Felt her squeeze to hold, then shudder as he took another few inches. His hands moved off her shoulders to grab at her ankles, to widen the v her legs had formed. Deeper, he wanted to go deeper. He needed to be deeper.

"Harder." She pleaded. She arched, wanting him deeper. "More." Ella's hands grabbed at the hard muscle on his back, but got little purchase. So she moved to his shoulders. Her nails bit into his back as once more he drove into her. David felt her nails rake down his back as he withdrew, felt her dig in the tiny talons when he plunged in harder. As control finally fled.

Panting hard they matched each other move for move. They made love like wild animals. No finesse. No grace. Just basic need. Urgent need.

His mouth found hers and took her on a wild ride before breaking for breath. She knew she was close to exploding, knew that a few more thrusts and she would be over the edge. He ground his hips against the backs of her thighs and plunged hard. Ella wrapped her arms around his shoulders, dragging him toward her, and when he was within reach she kissed his neck, his shoulder, his chest. David hammered harder, as he felt her tongue tease at first one nipple and then the other. Ella's hands moved, lower, raking his back, grabbing his butt, digging her nails in and biting his shoulder just as he took her over that edge. She literally screamed her head off as she fell apart while he continued to plunge in and out until he came. Arching his back, the muscles in his neck corded as he gritted his teeth and buried himself in the flooded heat as she came.

With their initial passion vented he was surprised to find that he was still hard. Still buried in her as the small tremors worked their way through her. But he was still hard. Slowly, lethargically, he rocked within her. Then he felt her response and knew they were a long way from over. Slowly they stroked and caressed each other. Gently tasting and touching. Gestures began to ignite. 

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