Chapter 54

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Early in the morning, Ella arrived at Amelia's house on the day of Amelia's wedding knowing that Amelia would be up and more than likely would be pacing with nervousness. Evie and Jack's sister were going to be bridesmaids. Ben was giving Amelia away. She knew that Evie and Jack's sister were going to arrive around eleven, for the wedding at three pm, and Ben was going to get there soon after one, to get ready. Amelia waved aside the suggestion for someone to do her makeup but a hairdresser was due around noon. But that was several hours away, because Ella knew that Amelia would be over-analysing everything, and without immediate family to take her mind off things Amelia would start getting nervous. So Ella went round at 7.30 that morning. And as to be expected Ella found Amelia already up, and nervous.

"Nervous?" Ella smiled when Amelia opened her door, and she gave Amelia a hug.

"Sort of. Excited." She waited for Ella to step inside. "And really nervous, yeah. What are you doing here, so early?"

"I fancied breakfast with you, while you are still single." She really wasn't expecting breakfast. "What are you nervous about? Everything is organised, I know you." Ella gave her another hug. "You don't have to worry. Just take your time, have breakfast with me and wait for your bride-maids. They will help you to get ready, later!"

Amelia sighed. "Perhaps." She smiled, "Coffee?"

"Yes, please."

They walked to the kitchen. Amelia put the kettle on and Ella simply reached for two mugs. A few moments later, Amelia cupped her hands around her mug of steaming coffee. Ella did the same with her mug. She could see Amelia's anxieties.

"So, everyone's due around elevenish?" 

Amelia nodded. "Yes." Then her smile grew, "Evie's made me the most amazing dress." Ella smiled knowing that Amelia was trying to get her concerns under control by focusing on her dress.

"I bet it looks great." Ella reached over the table and rubbed a thumb over Amelia's palm, "You know Evie is amazing. I bet you will look stunning in the dress she made for you."

"Unless I put on some weight since my last fitting!" Another of Amelia's concerns.

Ella shook her head. "I doubt it. I bet you have already checked that. Probably, last night!  By the way, I've brought you something blue." Ella rummaged in her handbag and then handed Amelia a small box.

Amelia opened the lid and saw a pair of sapphire stud earrings. "Aww. That is stunning. Perfect. Thank you." She got to her feet and came around the table to hug Ella. "I wish you were in my bridal party." Amelia sighed.

"I'm here now. I'll be in that church probably at the front of the church beaming at you and Jack, and at your reception, probably seated close to you. Which means I am practically in the bridal party without doing anything in the lead-up to your wedding!" Ella grinned as she retook her seat.

"I know. But, it's..."

"Amelia, stop worrying!" Ella laughed. "Jack has been desperate to marry you since the night you clambered into the back seat of his car!" She was pretty sure this conversation would distract Amelia.

Amelia's cheeks flushed with colour, "Do you know it's really tricky trying to make out in the back seat of a car, with a huge adult male?" She chuckled instantly. "There's so little room!"

Ella grinned, "Well, given you chose a huge man! And a small car!"

Amelia sniggered. "Hardly. The car suited the man. Huge!"

"Too much information, thanks Ames!" Then she saw that Amelia had returned to her apprehensions. Ella tried to think of another conversation topic. "So, has Jack got a suit?" Ella quirked an eyebrow, "I could just imagined him, turning up in a wetsuit!"

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