Chapter 30

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David smiled at Evie, "I think Seth was looking for you. He's in the kitchen."

"Oh," Evie smiled, "Thanks." She glanced briefly at Ella, then back at David, hesitated a second then said, "er, I'll be back in a sec."

Ella watched Evie disappear and waited for David to follow her. But he didn't.

"I'd like a word." David kept his voice low, but made sure that she had heard. She said nothing, just waited. David dampened his exasperation, and reached for her elbow. She shrugged him off and refused to budge. "In private." He muttered. He knew he'd been itching for a fight ever since he'd seen her at that party with Nick. For two years she hadn't dated anyone in town, then a few days after she kisses him, she goes out with someone else.

"This is as private as I want it to be."

He positioned himself so that his back was to the rest of the group, and she faced him. "Fine. If that's the way you want it." The little bit of privacy did nothing more than keep the others from seeing her expression. "This is about Jack and Amelia." She said nothing. "I imagine they will be asking us to be in their bridal party." He'd spent days rehashing what had happened those years ago. And he'd decided that he was going to try to put it all behind him, but he needed her to do to same, especially if they were going to be seeing more of each other. Which they were, given her best friend was marrying his brother. They were bound to be seeing more of each other. They agreed that the interior job or Amelia and Jack's relationship would not be influenced by their history. But David was sure that it was influencing Ella's behaviour.

"What?" What happened to their truce? What about that agreement, not using their history to score points.

"Jack. Amelia." Still she said nothing. "It stands to reason that they will ask us to be in their bridal party."


"So," David grated, "I imagine this little shin dig this evening is to see if the two of us can get on without causing a scene."

"A scene?"

"I doubt whether they'd want their bridal party to dissolve into a public dispute. And you, to put it mildly don't exactly have a reputation for being sweetness and light."

"And you do I suppose?"

In the far corner Jack tapped Amelia's shoulder and nodded with his head toward David and Ella. "See, I told you they'd be fine. They're talking. You should ask her. I'll ask David tonight."

Amelia frowned when she saw that David had hemmed Ella in, but it did appear as if they were talking, and Ella hadn't stormed off. Not yet. But she looked tense. "What do you think they are talking about?'

"Us?" Jack grinned and kissed the top of her head. "Neither of them are stupid. They know I've proposed."

"And they know we want them in our bridal party? So, looks like they are working things out. Great."

"Who knows?" Amelia was less convinced. Even from this distance it looked like Ella was slowly going into lockdown mode. Her features were becoming more schooled, her stance more poised. "But they are talking." Amelia mused to herself, "And no broken crockery or bones. So they might make it through a wedding without making it a skirmish."

In the corner David had taken a step closer, so that he could lower his voice. He tried to keep his body language friendly, at least he wanted who ever was watching to think that he and Ella were having a friendly conversation.

"All I'm saying is that this is about Jack and Amelia, we agreed that our history should not have any effect on Jack and Amelia's relationship and I am sure, we both want their wedding remembered for all the right reasons. I do not want them to have a wedding that goes down in history as a disaster because the bride choose a shrew for a bridesmaid!"

"Keep your distance at the wedding and all will be well." Ella advised. 

"That's what I mean." He glared. So much for that agreement. "Fitting things to suit your terms. This isn't your wedding. It isn't about you. Or me keeping my distance, from you. If they want us in the bridal party they will expect us to work together, and not turn it into a bloody battlefield. This is about what Amelia and Jack want. I don't think that's a groomsman and bridesmaid standing at either end of the hall at the reception, glaring at each other. I doubt they want to see the two of us baiting each other at the rehearsal or ceremony. "


"So, try to be gracious, at least try treating me as if I haven't got an STD."

"You mean you haven't?"

David glowered at her. "Jack had a tough life, he deserves happiness. You've had everything handed to you on a plate. Jack had to work for what he has. Unlike some, his daddy didn't set him up in business. His daddy didn't open doors for him so that he wouldn't have to struggle to get a foothold. His daddy didn't cover for him when he got into trouble." David blocked her path when she made to move away, "He's made it on his own. He's a good guy. And he loves Amelia." David growled when she simply raised a brow. "Amelia makes him happy, he makes her happy.

"I know that." Her eyes widened as she looked at him and tried to put emphasis on her point.

"I want their wedding day to go without a hitch, and if that means I have to play nice, with you, then that's what I will do. But if you are planning on causing a fuss then rest assured that you will pay."

"Threats?" Ella snapped.

David stated ominously, "Dig deep, find some slither of compassion that allows you to put someone else first. Think about being civil, that's all."

"Maybe they will be sensible and they won't ask us to be in the bridal party."

He narrowed his eyes, "Jack will ask me. I know it, you know it." He looked her up and down, "You, you're right, Amelia may have better options in mind." He shook his head, "This is a waste of time." He ran a hand behind his neck and massaged, "What would it cost to be civil? For one day? To let them enjoy their happiness?" David saw that she was angry.

"A lot more than you trying to intimidate me." She jammed her hands on her hips.

"Intimidate?" David snorted. "What? Are you going to tell daddy, again?" He planted a hand on the wall behind her and leaned in, "Think I'm coming on to you again?"

He saw her close down, the animation was banked, the temper held in check, but the eyes, they remained hostile.

"This chat is over." She stated succinctly.

"For once in your life, stop thinking about you." He told her as he pushed off the wall, and underscored his words as he ordered, "Stop being so up yourself and start thinking about others." More quietly, given his annoyance had run its course, "I know Amelia, I'd say she goes for the fairy tale approach. She deserves a special happy day. Think about it!"

When Amelia told Ella that she and Jack had set their wedding date, and were going to get married in five weeks, Ella pre-empted what she was sure would come, by saying she hoped it didn't clash with her sister's baby arriving, because she was due around then. Amelia told her the date that Jack and she had settled on, and Ella had explained that she would be cutting it fine, but wouldn't miss Amelia's wedding. She was just sorry she wouldn't be around in the weeks leading up to it as she'd be leaving town for the next few weeks to be with her sister. For a few minutes Amelia had looked disappointed, and explained that she hoped that Ella would be maid of honour. She had laughingly told Ella that she had asked Jack if she could ask Ben to be man of honour and Ella and Evie to be bridesmaids, but, Jack had torpedoed the idea. He didn't think the town was that ready for a revolution. So Ben was going to give her away. Ella had hugged Amelia, and told her that she unfortunately wouldn't be around to help Amelia, as her sister needed her, but Evie could help. Amelia had tried to persuade Ella to still be in the bridal party, but Ella had vetoed that idea, just in case her sister had complications. Ella didn't want to be forced to make a choice between staying with her sister or letting Amelia down on the day. At least this way, Amelia knew where she stood, and Ella would do her best to get to the wedding.

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