Chapter 28

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Ella glowered at the telephone. Seconds elapsed as she considered her response. She considered ranting. Instead, her eyes tracked across her room as if she was examining some amazing scene.

"Did you hear me?" David couldn't work it out, why wasn't she ranting about his instructions. He really didn't know what to make of her silence.

"Unfortunately." She muttered. Her demeanour was aloof and clearly proud as she added more loudly, "Thankfully, I do not answer to you."

David went from amused to furious with that statement.

His tone suggested he had ignored her warning up as he continued to speak. "If you care for your friend, you will tell her to contact Jack!" Short-term humiliation for long-term gain, he reined in his temper, and added, "Please."

"I am sure you have Amelia's phone number." Ella said bluntly, "And I am not her owner." Ella held onto her temper, "And she is an adult." Her voice got louder. "She is perfectly able to make her own decision." Her heart was thundering in her eardrums. She knew was stepping into the lion's den by challenging David's request. She had already ignored Jack's request, not sure why he expected Ella to pass on a message to Amelia. If Jack and Amelia had an issue, that is up to them. And in any case, Ella knew these two brothers were arrogant!

She had spent the last two years learning how to be invisible when it came to David. But the last few weeks, saw her invisible cloak vanishing. She knew how not to draw attention to herself. But by agreeing to this job, she had changed that. In recent years she had kept a low profile with David. But things had to change.

"A simple request." David growled as his temper escaped his leash.

Ella all but purred at David, "Really."

"You are behaving like a diva!" It was rare to see David in a situation that he couldn't control. Actually the last few weeks showed this was going to be normal for him! Especially with Ella. His fury was doused with ice as he said, with ice in his voice, "Allow me to correct you, I suggest you tell phone your friend and tell her to phone Jack!" He was a hair's breath away from going ballistic. David couldn't believe how easy it was for Ella to manage him. Clearly Ella had nerves of steel despite his temper!

In a quiet matter of fact tone she said, "As I said, unfortunately for you, I don't answer to you." She was feeling very pleased with herself as she added, "If you wanted a secretary, I suggest you advertised that job in the local shop or offer it to a volunteer!" That had David's eyes narrowing.

David knew if he started to speak right now he was likely to say or do something he would come to regret. If they were having this conversation face to face, he no doubt would get another slap.

Keep it calm, stay nonchalant, her head warned, "Now, if you don't mind, I have more to do." Unfortunately she added, "I have already wasted my time on you."

"What?" Ice splintered in his tone. How did this conversation moved from Jack and Amelia situation to wasting time on him, David thought and then thought obviously their meeting earlier was not over. He said sorry, he thought she accepted it, but the last few seconds suggested that their quarrel was far from over.

She said nothing. Her heart was thundering. She had not meant to voice that after-thought. Obviously, walking away from his home was not the end of their squabble. The walk, the time, had not alleviated her frustration.

"Gabriella, what does that mean?" David kept his voice level as he added calmly, "Are you talking about this call or the interior design job?" He knew exactly. This was about their tiff. And his head acknowledged that, as it realised that was the reason for his call. He wished they had stopped and talked about it. They can't go on like this, given Jack and Amelia's relationship, albeit their relationship has hit a snag.

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