Chapter 66

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They were both on the Interisland ferry, but Ella was now outside and David was inside with Amelia and Jack. Jack and Amelia were still reminiscing about that cycle camp trip. But David barely contributed to the conversation, despite the fact that he had been on the same cycle trip as Jack and Amelia. He was thinking about Ella. And that kiss. Quietly, David watched Ella. The girl, now woman, still had it.

It didn't take Ella long before she excused herself and went outside to the deck. This was her first ferry crossing, and she wanted to remember it for the right reasons. In any case, she needed to get that peck, albeit a platonic kiss, out of her mind, and facing David for the entire journey, sitting at the table, was not a good idea. She needed time out. And she doubted she'd be able to look him in the eye without remembering that kiss.

"Do you think I should follow her out?" David tracked Ella as she made her way to the door. He, like Ella, considered talking about that kiss. But she had avoided his eyes and David didn't have the guts to call her bluff, by bringing up the topic of their kiss, in front of Amelia and Jack.

Amelia bit her lip, not sure if this was the best option but she still said, "Probably!" She knew, given the last few minutes that something new had happened between David and Ella. The question was, what? She also knew that she had already unloaded her fears about David's behaviour because she gave him both barrels in their recent quarrel about his attitude towards Ella.

Jack nodded as he watched his brother. "You know we have to maintained this charade." The censure was obvious in his tone." You and Ella. Actually, you and the pretend-Nic are crucially to this plan."

"I know that." David scowled.

Jack hoped his words would goad David into action. "Exactly. Which is why I questioned your behaviour! Amelia is with me. Ella is with you. Try to remember that."

"As I said, I know that." David poked his tongue in his cheek, "The question is, does she know that?" He looked at Jack, Jack quirked a brow. David looked across at Amelia, and she widened her eyes. David shook his head at her antics. Amelia quirked a brow, folded her arms, like her husband and waited for David. Eventually, David said, "Amelia, can you talk to her?"

"No! Remember you are a big boy now, not a kid!" Amelia said. David rubbed a palm over his face. Amelia took pity of him and said more quietly, "It would be better if you talked to her, David. This issue is between the two of you."

David shook his head. "I am not sure she is ready for a conversation with me. Let alone talking about this right now."

"Why not?" Her brow furrowed.

But David didn't want to explain. "I'll tell you later!" He got to his feet, mumbled beneath his breath, "If this ends up a shambles, don't blame me!"

"It is already a shambles!" Jack muttered.

Amelia was louder than Jack when she began to say, "David, ..." but she stopped and her brow puckered with concern, because she wasn't sure whether to warn him or given him encouragement.

"And?" David prompted when Amelia didn't carry on. He remained at the table, braced his hands on the back of the seat. "And?" He repeated as he watched the panic in Amelia's eyes.

Amelia bit her lip for a second and then said softly, "She is here, like you, like me, like Jack."

"Yeah, and?"
"She wanted to protect someone she barely knows."

"I know that. Nic is new to our town."

Amelia's voice became firm, as her eyes lifted at his tone, "Ella could have refused to come with us, she doesn't really know her."

"Ok, I get that." David frowned at Amelia. "So, yes, she could have refused to come with us." David nodded. "So what?" He prompted as he tried to fathom out Amelia's cryptic message.

Amelia huffed. "I can see why you and Jack get on." She saw the anxiety in David's eyes while his voice suggested he was in control.

"Fine." David raised his eyebrows.

"Forget you are an arrogant alpha!"

"Lecture over?" He let go of the back of the chair and straightened up. Jack smothered his laugh, he knew that Amelia would carry on, despite the fact that she would have to endure David's foul mood.

"No." Amelia mimicked David's tone and like David, also raised her eyebrow, "She is only came back to pack up her stuff. Not to play a hero."

He recognised her tone, and his eyes narrowed on Amelia, "I know that." David interrupted with another huff.

She tipped her head to one side, arched back slightly and looked directly at David, "She put her plans on hold."

"I know that. Like us, remember." David's eyes flashed with annoyance.

Amelia's eyes narrowed, "Exactly." Amelia started to rattle off her list, "She has been roped into this plan. She put her life on hold. She has lots to do. She is busy. But she has put away the issue between you and her, and she has put up with your criticism of her." David's eyes flashed with irritation and Amelia ignored that and carried on, "And no doubt you will nit-pick anything she does on this trip." She sighed, not sure she had persuaded David to change his mind about Ella. Two years of this cold war between the two was unlikely to be changed within seconds.

David held onto his tongue, he was about to tell Amelia that her friend was anything but friendly, that Ella always defied his actions. She either confronts or dares him. And that she was not happy about his peck of a kiss.

Amelia said on a huff, "My advice to you, is be nice." She tipped her head challenging him.

"I am always nice." He run his fingers over his stubble, he hadn't bothered to shave today, and his bristles matched his feelings.

"Not true. You are never nice to Ella." Amelia reminded with a roll of her eyes. "You either avoid her or make caustic statements about her."

"You make it sound like the problem is me!"

Amelia corrected, "I am not saying that."

"She avoids me, remember." He planted his palms on the back of his seat. "Whatever I say, she always defies me! Always picks a fight! You know that! It doesn't matter what the topic is, or if there is nothing to challenge, she will find something to complain about! Whatever I say, she will see it differently." David folded his arms and muttered under his breath "And she is so bloody stubborn!"

Again, Amelia rolled her eyes, hearing his last statement. "I give up." Amelia folded her arms, and glared at David, "You both behave like toddlers!"

Jack said nothing. He was pretty sure that David was really upset. And he was certain that it was something to do with Ella and it was recent. He couldn't figure out what had happened between Ella and David, today. In his mind, Jack reviewed today: They drove down and there was nothing to complain about; they got on the ferry, no incidents; and they made their way to the lounge, no incidents. Jack rubbed the back of his neck. So what happened? What had he missed? Jack looked over at David. Given David's eyes, Jack thought something had poured fuel onto a simmering fire. Jack saw from the tension between the two, when they had taken their seats earlier, that something was definitely going on. The question was, what?

David narrowed his lips and shook his head. "Finished, Mrs Santiago?" He growled at Amelia.

Amelia huffed, "No, actually...."

"Amelia." Jack said firmly and quietly. Amelia turned around, and questioned Jack, without speaking, but he could see the question in her eyes. Jack placed his hand on her hand and gave her a gentle squeeze and he shook his head. Jack looked up at David. "You need to talk to Ella."

"I was going to, until your new wife started to lecture me." David grumbled as he took a step away from the table. Amelia rolled her eyes. "Anything else?" He jammed his hands in his pockets. This is going to be worse. Ella would probably throw him into the water!

"Yeah." Jack's eyes met his brother's gaze. "Remember what is at stake, here." But they both knew they were not talking about Nic's predicament. "Just be honest, David." Jack advised softly.

David rubbed his palm across his jaw and nodded at Jack. Then he turned and headed out.

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