Chapter 14

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One month later Gabriella and Amelia went to a local social to celebrate the cycle camp and to generate more money for the charity. Though Ella sat at the same table as David, they said very little to each other and when he did include her in the conversation, his tone was full of derision.

Jack and David stood at the bar to collect the order for the table. Jack glanced at his foster brother. He'd never until tonight noticed that David deliberately set out to annoy Gabriella. Avoid her yes. But annoy, that was new. But then it was only tonight that he realised that it was very rare for David and Gabriella to be in each other's company.

"You want to tell me what's going on?" Jack planted his forearms on the counter as they waited for the waiter.

"What about?" David feigned ignorance.

Jack narrowed his eyes. "Don't try to bullshit me, Dave. Remember Gabriella? Amelia's friend."

David said nothing.

Jack leaned back and turned around to look at David. "Dave?"

"Yeah, I know she is Amelia's friend. So what?" David looked away, pretending to get the attention of the bartender.

Jack knew that if he started to sound too confrontational, David would shut down the conversation. So he said in a conversational tone. "If you were to ask anyone in town to describe you, they'd say, nice guy. Good humoured, kind hearted, ladies man."

"Yeah, I agree!" David retorted.

"That is if you ask anyone but one particular woman." Jack watched the emotions that flashed through David's eyes, "Given the way you've been treating her this evening, I can understand why she does not endorse that view." Jack glanced at David, ignored the anger and said, "So why are you baiting her tonight?"

"I'm not."

"Dave I was there when you were caustic about her social skills." Jack reminded his brother. As he remembered his brother's words, Jack wondered at the vitriol that threaded through each word David spoke to Gabriella.

David said nothing. Ok, so perhaps he shouldn't have been so derogatory about her conversation input. The problem was that tonight showed him that he would have to change his approach to Gabriella, because, before tonight, he didn't have a choice. Tonight they had to sit on the same table. Amelia was on the cycle trip group table, and with Amelia, came Ella. And David knew if Jack and Amelia became a couple, that would mean that David would meet Ella more often. Not a good idea, acknowledged David as the evening went on.

"Then you decided to take pot shots at her appearance. She looked amazing. But you shot her down with that ridiculous statement about her hair." He persisted even though David was now glaring.

David looked away. Yes, that was definitely way off. He basically told her she looked like she'd worn something from a decade back, and that it complimented her hairstyle. But of course she knew she was beautiful, so his snide remarks may have generated some laughter from those around, but his statements would not have done her confidence any harm.

Jack shook his head, in utter bewilderment. "Then you decided to use her as the fall guy in one of your ill conceived jokes." Jack tapped David's shoulder, "This isn't you. What's got into you?" Jack waited for David to respond, "Why pick on her?" And seeing the acknowledgment in David's eyes that he had picked on Ella, Jack ran his fingers and his palm over his jaw.

That was the truth, David recognised Jack's statement. But he said, "Just leave it."

"Leave it?" Jack asked incredulously. Jack shook his head as he contemplated the ramifications of David's actions on Amelia, given she was Ella's best friend. This was not David. He had good social skills and never pulled women down. He normally indulged, pacified and supported women. Basically a good guy. However, tonight, David's behaviour got Jack stumped. "A lesser woman would have been reduced to tears by now, given half of what you've dished out tonight."

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