Chapter 97

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Seth grinned. "David has self-preservations genes, but they also include his love ones. In this case, you!" Seth lost his grin and narrowed his eyes, "You know, I assumed, just like the others in town, that you knew he was the one who found you and brought you out of the building. But I realised earlier today, when I spoke to David, that you didn't know that!"

" Did he volunteer that information? Or you asked him?"

"Kind of. I asked David how you reacted when you learnt that he rescued you, given the two of you avoided each other for ages, and you were working on the interior design for the surf club." Ella sighed. Seth said quietly, "David just shrugged. He said he wasn't sure if the club told you, and he hadn't told you."

"He never told me." She scowled at Seth and also managed to throw him a look of exasperation, as she muttered, "No one told me!" She smacked Seth's arm in frustration.

Seth moved away, saying, "He said he didn't want to tell you now, because he didn't want you to stay with him because you felt obligated!" Seth wiped the back of his neck, and he hoped that he was doing the right thing telling Ella about her rescue. He knew that he owed Ella, and his actions, regarding Evie, has affected Ella's relationship with Evie. Evie and Ella were part of a close group, a group that shied away from guys. Evie, for several years, had managed, single-handedly, a farm. And it was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, which brought her into his sphere. He knew that Ella was gorgeous but she ignored invitations from guys in town and she went out of her way to avoid David. Seth knew Mallory from their school days and she dated his friend when they were at school. But she has not gone out with anyone since her accident, an accident that cost her dance career. He knew that Amelia was a bona-fide genius, and he thought she was shy, but she married Jack. That group of women were very different, but they were good together. They were fond and proud of their friends, and Seth knew he had pushed a wedge between Evie and Ella. And he was determined to remove that wedge.

"What?" She threw him a no nonsense look. "He really must be an idiot!" Ella said without any qualms.

"With all due respect," he muttered with clear mockery, "the only idiot around are you. And of course, me!"

Ella scowled at Seth.

There was a small secretive smile playing on his lips. "He said he told you he loves you." Seth rubbed his check and said, "David said he would tell you, eventually, you know, about your rescue." Seth poked his tongue into his cheek, considered whether to continue with this conversation, took a breath and continued, "Most of the town knows that he went in for you."

"The whole town?"

"Yes. We all know he stayed and sheltered you from the debris, in that building, despite the incessant explosions."
"I am going to kill him!" Ella muttered.

"He refused to leave you until you surfaced. He watched the paramedics who were dealing with you. I am pretty sure that no one recognised the fact that his face was white beneath the ash and dirt. I can tell you, from my position, he looked scared for you. He wouldn't leave until they told him, you were ok. That they were only taking you to the hospital just for precaution sakes, given you were knocked unconscious."

Ella repeated. "He never told me." She narrowed her eyes, "Nobody told me."

"You think they would share confidences with an icicle." Seth said bluntly. "And you think that someone that you have avoided for a year, is going to tell you? You practically cross the town main street to avoid him. You don't go to social events if he is there, according to Evie." Seth folded his arms, "Did you even asked the hospital?"

"I did. Kind of. I just asked, who brought me in. The club arrived with flowers, Amelia, Evie and Mallory came to the hospital, and were more interested in my welfare. I was only in for a short time." When she was released, she got fed up with the constant concerns about her welfare, that she banned any conversation about the club. It was only once the club signalled that they were going to rebuild, she volunteered her skills and time. And all they talked about was the design, what they wanted, the reasons why, and who matters to the club. So she put a mood board together and she showed it to the committee, and then when they put a tender out, she applied.

"And you thinking it is their fault, not telling you who actually brought you out from the club."

"So why are you tell me, now?" She glared at Seth.

Seth looked at Ella and he revealed, "Because, a, everyone in town knows that you, and David, are in love and they want to support him!" Ella noticed that Seth hadn't included her in his sentence about the town's people's support. Seth continued, "And b, given David put his life in danger to save you, the fact he has told you that he loves you, we all think you should be living with him! You even did the interior scheme for his place, we figured you were moving in with him! Instead you are living at a Bach, he is at home and just have dates like tween-agers! In my opinion you are both idiots!"

She folded her arms and glared at him. "David and I talked about..."

Seth ignored her body language. "Talk? Really." He took a breath, reined in his temper, and said on a huff, "I know, in my experience with you," she glared, he continued, "you value faithfulness, allegiance, dependability," he stopped, took another breath and said "but you bloody put a donkey to shame, you could give lessons in stubbornness!"

"Thanks." She barked.

"Evie said you would take time to work through the situation, that you would weigh up your options!" Ella nodded. Clearly Evie understood her. "But Evie also said, this unnecessary mess will continue for another ten years unless someone kicks your butt! This conversation, me talking to you, consider that, a kick!"

Ella's lips twitched. But that smile was washed off her face before it could form.

Seth asked bluntly, "Your life is worth more that his life, he has already proved that. He loves you. You love him. And being bloody obstinate is not a good idea. So what are you waiting for? What exactly do you want from David?"

She opened her mouth to speak, and then closed her mouth. Good questions.

Seth grinned, completely fascinated by the genuine emotion in her face and the shock and delight in her eyes.

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