Chapter 55

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Amelia and Jack's wedding went without a hitch and the reception appeared to be going well. A small group of sixty guests had made their way to the reception, hosted by the Lawsons at their farm. A huge marquee had been erected, with linen covered tables and linen covered chairs set up in small clusters of six. A catering firm was contracted to deliver a four course meal, and a small local band was contracted to play at the reception.

It was only after the bridal couple had had their first dance, and Amelia had danced with all of Jack's brothers, his father, as well as Ben, and Mr Lawson, that Amelia managed to catch up with Ella. She might not have been in the bridal party, but Ella was her closest friend.

A short while after the bridal couple completed the dance, Ella sought out her friend and Amelia and Ella went for a quiet walk.

Amelia knew that life was changing for both of them, and she'd missed her friend in the lead up to her wedding for Ella had been in Auckland. Of course, they'd talked. On the telephone. But that wasn't the same. She was pleased they had spent some time together earlier this morning.

Ella had kept some important news to herself. But with Amelia going off on her honeymoon, Ella knew this would be their only chance to chat.

Amelia linked an arm with Ella, leaned in and said with obvious sincerity. "Thanks."

"For what?" Ella turned slightly and smiled in reaction to the beaming face beside her. Her friend looked truly content with life. She also looked incredibly beautiful in the dress Evie had made for this day.

"Showing up." Amelia walked them both toward some fresh air. "Coming round early this morning to settle my nerves!" She'd been a married woman for less than three hours and already she was wishing her friends would find men who adored them, understood them, loved them and married them!

"I told you I'd be here. Just that I couldn't be around to help with the lead up." 

Which if she'd been honest, she would have admitted she'd done it deliberately, knowing that she'd be unlikely to manage to hold it together if she was in David's company for any length of time. And being in the same wedding party would have meant constant company. She was fairly certain that David would be best man, and if she knew Amelia, she knew Amelia would ask her to be her maid of honour. Something she knew she wouldn't be able to handle with David as best man. And the last thing Ella wanted to do was to ruin her friends wedding plans. So she'd strategically engineered her way out of the bridal party, citing family obligations that warranted her return to Auckland. Ella had reluctantly explained to Amelia that she would be away, so not much use in the lead up to the wedding. And as maid of honour, she thought Amelia should choose someone who would be around to help, not someone who just sashayed in to take the bows.

"I know." Amelia replied quietly.

"Think I wouldn't show, Mrs Jack Santiago?"

Amelia's  smile grew, but added, "I wasn't sure." Amelia walked her friend away from the marquee, heading toward the front of the house and the quiet it provided. The reception was in full swing inside the marquee, andr while the wedding was small, the noise appeared to have escalated in the last hour or so, obviously alcohol released inhibitions.

"Good job I wasn't maid of honour or in the bridal party." Evie had been assigned that role, when Ella had taken herself out of the equation. Amelia had asked Evie to be maid of honor and asked David's youngest sister to be her other bridesmaid, partly because Ben seemed to flirt with her at one of the barbecue they'd been invited to. "Can you imagine David and I in the same wedding party?" The problem was that she could picture her with David, in her mind, but she knew that in reality, that picture would not match the picture in her mind. In her mind, they would smile, he would have his arms around her, their body language would confirm attraction. But in reality, their body language would suggest enmity: an icicle and a grouch. A miserable icicle and a disgruntle grouch.

"I'm sorry about that." Amelia announced.

"Don't be." Ella hugged her friend, doing her best not to crush the amazing dress that Evie had made for Amelia. "Not a good idea. You know, we'd have ruined it for you. Not a good idea to pair a grouch and an icicle!"

Amelia frowned and interrupted, "I don't agree. I..."

"You, Mrs Santiago, make a beautiful bride." Ella cut her off, and took a step back to study the vision in front of her. "Look at you. Really gorgeous. I thought Jack was going to cry when he saw you enter the church. Actually, when the congregation saw his reaction, the way he felt about you, you could read it in his eyes and how much he loved you, well, so many people were moved to tears, like his mum. You are a beautiful bride, Ames. It was good to see Jack's reaction. It was so emotional."

She and he both, she thought, remembering the moment their eyes had met when she'd started up the aisle on Ben's arm. "It's the dress." Amelia beamed in delight.

The dress was a strapless, high waisted, slim line silk and lace concoction that drew attention to Amelia's lean ballerina shaped figure. Its lines brought a degree of elegance that Amelia found astonishing. She found herself walking taller, holding herself the way she'd seen Nic hold herself, with grace and confidence.

"It's the woman in the dress." Ella corrected. "He looked absolutely delighted with himself. Proud as punch." Ella added. "Honestly, he looked so emotional, like he couldn't believe his luck."

Amelia closed her eyes briefly, her memory of walking toward Jack were vivid. She'd beamed at him as she'd approached, and he had smiled at her even as his eyes had watered with emotion.

"I wish everyone could be as happy as I am at this very moment." Amelia whispered.

"But we will need your integrity, your kindness, and just plain goodness," Ella replied softly, "to be this happy." Her lips curved into a smile as she took stock of her friend. "That and being in love with your soulmate, would do it! You found your soul mate."

The smile was back in her voice as she said with a heartfelt sigh, "Jack and Me. I'm lucky to have that man."

Ella studied her friend's expression. "He's the lucky one. And you deserve each other." Just a shame that Ella's mind linked that statement with David and her. Just the two of them, together. As if they would make a good couple. Why can't she shift him from her mind? She blinked and forced herself to carry on, even though in her mind she was talking about David. "He's a good man."

"I know. He is a good man. Kind hearted. Loyal. Strong. Just lovely!"

"And you are amazing. He is lucky to have you."

Ella's statement had Amelia sobering fast. "Evie told me what she'd said to you." Amelia watched to see whether Ella was going to brush it off, or stay to discuss it. Amelia rested a hand on her friend's arm, as she said gently, "She didn't mean to hurt you." Ella nodded but didn't make eye contact. She walked toward the balustrade at the front of the house. Amelia picked up her skirts and followed as she continued to explain. "She went into overdrive. You know Evie. Talks first, thinks later."

Ella nodded in acceptance. "Guess it shows that she loves Seth, even though she doesn't believe in love." Ella turned to face Amelia and murmured with a smile in her voice, "And the really astonishing thing is that I think he loves her. Even if he hasn't realized it as yet." 

"Like you and David!" Amelia mumbled quietly but Ella heard.

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