Is it real or just a dream?

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A/N: This is an original ShizNat fanfic (my mother ship; I'm an otaku by the way) that's why I added "camren edition" but it's still mine. All plots are mine but not the names:) Sorry for my English not my specialty, it's all taglish and I try my best to change it into full english. Feel free to comment below. I hope you enjoy it, ookini minna-san.

    Lauren parked her Ducati when she went to the park where she usually went especially when she was stress and there she saw a girl and it was crying. She took off her helmet and left her Ducati outside of the park so she can be with the crying girl and comfort her.

"I think you need this," she started then she offered her, her hanky, she got smile when she caught her attention then offer it again to her.

"Thanks," the girl replied to the raven-haired woman when she accepted it and wiped her tears away.

"Mind if I sat beside you?"

"No, please."

And Lauren sit beside the woman after getting her permission, this time she got more view how gorgeous the woman is and she can't help it but smile, her brown eyes that matches her eyebrows and those kissable lips, the bridge of her nose that made crinkle because of crying and she got sad seeing this woman cry.

"Do you mind if I ask why are you crying? Sorry for crossing the line but I don't want to see any woman cry."

"It's fine and I'm glad you don't want to see a woman crying but..," and stared deeply in the hanky she was holding then cried, " damned ex, it's his favourite."


"Exactly, I didn't know that it was all true, the rumors about him if I did listen to them and not believe his sugarcoated words I will not be here crying."

"You don't deserve to be hurt and he's a freak for making you cry, a totally dumbass, you're just blind for loving him that's why you didn't see that there's something wrong from the start."

"I don't know."

"Look at yourself for a sample then, eventhough you heard that rumors, you didn't believed them because you believed in him, in his words."

"Not anymore."

LAUREN opened her eyes and then she heard her alarm. She looked at her alarm clock and it was already 7 in the morning, then she got yawned and did a stretch so that her body will wake up as to her mind.

She needs to wake up early, to cook breakfast for her self and then get ready for office hours. She was actually an owner and also the CEO of the prestigious technology company in L.A, the JAUREGUI GROUP and it's expanding larger and larger. She was alone in her condominium which is located not far from JG, so she need to work alone and she don't want any servants to serve her, also after claiming her freedom from her father which is already dead. Her father, before, was so strict so she needs to obey his rules or orders. It's hard for her to lose his father but then she was happy now she was free as a bird. And now she was living on her own freedom. She learned from little to the big ones.

JG was more on technology. During Lauren's first day of being a CEO she immediately proved what she could do. Her board members were even more impressed when she close-up of a very large account which is the way for her to open in a foreign branch well.

And now she was the CEO for over 3 years and the JG was going strong.

Now back to the present.

'Who the hell was that girl? Is she real? I mean did she really exist?' she asked to herself while chewing her bread and egg she just cook, she is satisfied with that kind of breakfast but at night she is cooking even late.

"I'm going to be insane, it would not have been that dream again," and she get sighed, then her phone rang, she look at the screen on her phone then she read that it was her secretary Normani Kordei, she pick it up and asnwer it, "Normani, what's up?"

"Sorry Sir if I disturbed you this early."

"It is fine, I understand and I know you will not call me so early if it's not important, so what is it?"

"Actually Sir, Mr. Cabello called seconds ago."

Natsuki raised her left eyebrow when she heard about Alejandro Cabello, they need him because of his company who owned a big store in L.A, which produced or sell various great technology. It was months ago when she had business deal with him, she wants to sell their technology too in that store, since their delivery has decreased in sales in another store and is fraudulent and has not been well knowned with computers or gadgets and is also covered with other low-cost computers, so approaching Mr. Cabello was her last option. The Cabello Corporation is well-known and trustworthy as the products they store in store.

So once he agreed the reputation of JG will be back. And now Mr. Cabello called this was her chance.

"Really? In this early morning?"

"Yes Sir, I immediately call you because he says he should have been in CC, he does not have any other vacant hour and by next week he had some business conference to attend to."

"8?" and she look at the wall clock, "oh no."

"Don't worry Sir, I have adjusted your schedule."

"Thank God," she said in relief she also does not want to cancel her meetings for that day but this is important, "and thank you Normani! I'm going to hang up now and tell him I'll be there before 8."

"Okay Sir."

"Thank you," and the bread and egg were washed out from her mouth after talking to Normani, then she ran to the bathroom quickly.

"BEFORE 8?" Alejandro Cabello asked with some amusement, JG's CEO became a mysterious person, "okay, thank you then," and put the phone down, "wow, CEO of JG ah, I like it."

"Are you speaking to me Papa?" Camila Cabello asked her father.

"No Camila and why did you think about it already?"

"I already told you all over again and I will remind you again Papa, I will not marry anyone," she protested.

"Why? Is it because you think that there's no hope anymore about your love life? Camila my sweet daughter, Austin is a jerk," he referred to his daughter's ex-boyfriend, who caused his daughter almost gaving up on life, "I already know this will happen that's why I don't like him, you're too good for him."


"I'm not a fool, from the moment you introduce him to me, I don't have any trust from him and since I saw in your eyes the love you have for him, I set aside my thoughts," and he notice his daughter's reaction, "don't you ever tell me that you will go back to him."

"I want to, I love him."

"You're totally insane, you're already out of your mind and you're just pushing me to continue what I want for you and also making this early too."

"What do you mean Pa? Are you threatening me?"

"If that's what you think, go ahead then, once I knew this CEO of JG, be ready," and he took off his table napkin from his lap and stood, "hope you understand, I already told you why," and he left.


"Oh one thing," and he turn his back, "I want you in my office first before you go to your own, okay?"

"I will not."

"Don't try me Camila, you can't do anything with you're illogical thinking," and he left.

Camila just close her eyes tightly.

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