Hoping it was not a dream

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THE sunlight is entering in the room that cause Camila to wake up. She opened her eyes and saw that it was already morning. She look around and noticed that she was not in her room, then her consciousness came back and remembered everything including that she was already married. She got smile when she remember the wedding ceremony when she saw her wife cried. Everything was going smoothly now especially Austin was finally convicted as guilty which was sentenced in life imprisonment and was moved to L.A County Jail. She was very glad. She turned to her left side and she saw her wife Lauren who made her life complete, filled her with happiness and love and also with care. She bended her arms and caressed her wife's cheek. Then she heard a moan followed by a cry. Then in a distance she saw a crib. It was their baby Carla Michelle which she gave birth 2 mos ago through sperm donor.

"2 years had passed," and she left on the bed to get their baby Cami.

Cami immediately quiet down when she felt her arms around her.

"Hey Cami," and she tickle her cheek and went back to bed, "good morning," and she kiss her daughter's forehead, it looks like their daughter understand her because she felt her delicate small hands touching her cheek, "look at daddy, she's still sleeping, you want to lay down on daddy?" and she laid her down beside sleeping Lauren, she was glad because their daugter didn't cry after putting her beside its father, "there you go."

Lauren moved when she felt her daughter's small hands on her face so she open her eyes and met Cami's brown eyes, "good morning Cami," and kiss her daughter's forehead and it smiled after giving her a kiss on the forehead and in return it Cami touch her cheek, then she saw her beautiful wife, whom she married 2 years ago, gaving her the care and love that she need, "hey good morning."

"Good morning," and she gave her a kiss.

"You woke up so early again huh?"

"Hmp not so early, when I wake up I thought this was a dream, I need to prove that it's not," and her wife touch her cheek and caress it, gaving her assurance.

"Don't worry my love this was not a dream anymore, this was all true."

"I'm glad."

"What time we will visit father? He wants to see Cami, he's been in England for two weeks I'm sure he misses her much," and she get up and took Cami in her arms.

"This lunch."

"Alright, I will just cancel my lunch appointment if I have one today."

"Okay, hey."


"I love you."

"Forever," and she gently kiss her wife.

Camila accepted it gratefully.

They both stopped when they heard their daughter's laugh and they just chuckled.

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A/N: And that's the end of the story. Hope you like it pips. Thank you for reading this story. 

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