Let's begin

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 "YOU are really good in golf Lauren is it okay if I invited you sometime? Do you have free time?"

"Thank you and just made a call tito and I will reserve it."

It caused Camila lift her face upon hearing and it mean one thing that her father was serious about the deal and Lauren was the one her father chooses and soon enough they will talk about the marriage.

"That's good news I have a golf buddy now and change topic, can we? Why you still don't have a girlfriend Lauren?"

'There he goes, the first way,' Camila said inside her mind.

And Lauren looked at to Camila who is eating silently, "I still don't have a plan about it tito."

And Camila look at to Lauren couldn't believe what she had heard from her.

"It was since birth isn't it?"

"Hai, my father is strict he wanted me to focus only in my studies not long enough at work too."

"Wow now I know why JG didn't budge and inch of going down you were both workaholic and who is your Vice?"

"My friend, Lucy Vives, she sometimes stayed in the company she was busy at the business she had with her wife, it was already there when I asked her to be my Vice she was busy too with her wife."

"You were bored surely, come to think of it, house-work, house-work, add the conference."

"You were right."

"Why not get married if you don't know it was stress reliever."

And it made Camila gulped.

"It was also my Board Members and Council suggests in our monthly meeting yesterday, to get married."

"What did you say then?"

"No comment, I just said that I will think of it."

"I see, how old are you now?"


"They were right about it, take their suggestion, you're not getting any younger, your race will be at waste if you will not get married."


"Mind you, you and Camila's age gap are not that far she's 28."

"Really," she said while looking at Camila.

It made Camila blush especially her stares.

"She looks like her mother, Sinuhe," Alejandro explained.

"Now I know why she's beautiful."

"You're right," and they both chuckled, "don't fault me you're a good person, gentleman, handsome, rich, though it's not oblivious because of your simple gestures."

"I never forget my parent's teachings, that even if I'm higher than them or owning a biggest company in L.A or across Asia I will still laid my foot on the ground."

"That's right you will not gain anything if you're bossy and too much pride."

"You were right."

"You know what Lauren, I like you."

"Thank you tito."

"Let me get straight, you're brave, fair, you don't know when to give up so Lauren..."

Lauren and Camila look at each other they both knew that the time has already come.

"..it's been a long time since Camila reach 25, I'm searching for a right person whom I can trust and I found out that, you are fit, if it's okay to you, do you want to marry my daughter? I'm old enough I want my daughter to end up marrying the right person."

"Don't talk like that Papa."

"I'm serious Camila."

"No, you will still live long."

"Mind your food will you, I'm talking to Lauren."

"It's—really okay for me tito but we still depend on Camila's decision."

"I already told her about this."

"But she still need to straighten up things with her ex, I'm not in good terms with that Mahone-dumbass and I don't want to be involve again with that jerk, my staff are already afraid of him."

"She will find a way," he assured her then looked at to his daughter.

"I already told you about it Papa."

"I know, but made it early and quick."


"Thank you Lauren."

"You're welcome."

Before they parted their ways, Alejandro signed the contract. 

A/N: Don't mind my caption :)

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