behind the truth

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     CAMILA cried silently after her secretary Dinah left her office to arrange her schedule that day. She doesn't know what to do anymore. Then she lift up her face and look at the frame, it was her and Austin. While staring at it Lauren's face took over Austin's position when she realized it she flip down the frame then wipe her tears away. Then she heard a soft knock in her office door.

"Come in," she said and dried her eyes then Dinah get in.

"Ma'am here's your schedule," and handed it.

Camila accepted it.

"Do you need anything ma'am?"

And Camila gulped, getting some strength, "there's—there's something I wanted to asked you Dinah."

"What is it ma'am?"

"Do you really want to resign? In case we agreed what company you choose?"

"Uhm—in JG."

"Why in JG?"

"Don't get me wrong and I don't have any issue regarding my salary in here but in JG, there's this only person that is important to me and there's this incident and I don't want that there's something happen bad to her again."

Dinah didn't tell her about the whole story, it only said that her apartment is nearby in JG, which is true, that's all Dinah gave and nothing else, now she wanted to clarify things if Lauren did say the truth.

"What this incident you're talking about?"

It took a seconds before Dinah answered it's obvious in her that it don't want to talk anymore about the past.

Then Camila saw Dinah's fist were clenching.

"I know—she's already safe in there but I can't take it off my mind, my worries—"


"Yes ma'am."

"If it's okay to you—can you tell me the whole story?"

"I just saw it in the cctv, the night when I rushed home."

"I remember that night."

"The boss of my girlfriend personally contacted which is also my friend—"

'Is she referring to Lauren, what did she do?'

"..when I get there, there's already a policeme getting every details, then my friend saw me and she guide me where my girlfriend is, then I saw her she was shivering and she was afraid," and her tears fell.

Camila notice it.

"I felt rage and I really wanted to kill that man who hurt my girlfriend that night, I then asked my friend what was really happened, she warned me first to kept calm because she made everything settle and the perpetrator already borought in jail so I gave my promise to her that I will, she hesitated for a second and I understand why, because she sometimes gave me advice."

'She's a good person then.'

"..then she did in the last, she guide me to the security room, she let me saw it first before giving it to the police officer, I saw everything, if it wasn't for her maybe..."

"It's okay Dinah you don't have to continue, what was your friend do for your girlfriend?"

"She punched him for me, she protected my girlfriend, she was about to get home when she saw my girlfriend trying to get away from the man who assault her, I always told her to wait for me in the parking lot and the parking number my friend is nearby, she breached the alarm to get the man's attention for her to stop him after it JGs security personnel arrived, she personally report the incident to the police."

Lauren was the one who gave Austin a very dark bruise on the cheek when she saw it. All this time she was protecting him for his stupidity!

"She told me to calm before I ddi something wrong once I saw him, it might put me in jail, she was mad when she knows that the man bailed out she even took a private investigator but even until now still no result."

Camila paid secretly for the bail, "did you—saw him?"

"Not personally, my friend didn't let me, if I saw him I'll be the one who will put him on jail, we have no enough evidence to put him back on jail for then he can't bail for his other case."

"What case?"

"Rape with homicide, it was the other case to another woman."

Camila shuddered when she heard it.

"They said the woman is still alive, but we can't find her, we suspected that she was afraid once she get out."

"Who is she? Did you know?"

"She was the daughter of the owner of the Publishing Company not far away from JG."

"Really, he's a jerk then, I'm sorry Dinah."

"It's nothing ma'am."

'If only you knew.'

"I understand if you don't want me to resign."

"It's so hard to find another you Dinah, I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"All I can do is to arrange your schedule of out I will ask Lauren about Normani's schedule."

"You knew them?"

"Yeah, Papa introduced Lauren to me she told us about it I really wanted to know if she's telling the truth and she didn't lie, Lauren decided to invest here."

"Sir Lauren is really a good person not to mention kind, Mani and I are comfortable with her, she was our adviser she even gave us a bodyguard."

"Yeah I know, don't worry now Dinah okay? Your girlfriend will be safe, I asked Lauren about this so I can arrange your schedule."

"Thank you so much ma'am."

"Thank you and I also apologize for bringing it up."

"Its okay ma'am uh do you need anything?"

"I'm fine."

"Okay ma'am," and she left.

Camila even saw Dinah wipe its tears away and trying to cheer herself up before she go out.

"It's true, Lauren was not lying, oh God," and snooze her head on her desk.

MY DREAM GIRL (camren edition)Where stories live. Discover now