It was nice meeting you

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A/N: Here is Chapter 3, sorry for my grammar again. As I said it was an original taglish version of Shiznat fanfic. Enjoy! Thank you for still sticking to my story.

EVERY woman in that building, on that floor was sighing with relief when they saw an angel. Lauren just arrived at the 14th floor of CC.

Lauren just ignore it eventhough she noticed them. Some knew her, some are not. Then luckily, she saw Dinah Jane Hansen, her secretary's girlfriend.

"Dinah," she greeted with a smile.

"Sir Lauren," and she bow her head as a sign of respect.

"It looks like you know why I'm here."

"Mani called me, my boss is still not around so I agreed and it's my pleasure to escort you Sir."

"I'm glad."

"This way Sir please," and she guide her.

After a few steps they saw a twin door, like Lauren's office. She saw Dinah talking to a young woman and after a second.

"Sir Lauren, Sir Alejandro is already waiting for you inside."


"I'll be leaving now Sir."

"Thanks Dinah."

"You're welcome Sir."

"You're too formal."

"I apologize for that Sir."

"I understand, thank you again," and the secretary guide her inside after Dinah left.

"DINAH, where have you been?" Camila asked when Dinah went back to the office.

"I'm sorry ma'am Camila my friend got here and need to assist her," she answered.

"I see, okay, do I have a meeting?"

"About that ma'am Sir Alejandro cancelled all of your meeting this morning."

"All, you mean all of it, damn."

"Yes ma'am."

"Ugh...," she said with frustration.

"Sir Alejandro assured you can't escape."

"Sadly but true, damn.. call me if Papa needs me."

"Yes ma'am."

And Camila get in into her office.

Then Dinah positioned herself back to her cubicle just in the right of Camila's office, to call her girlfriend Normani 'Mani.'

"SIR Alejandro, Ms. Jauregui is already here."

"Let her in please."

"Yes Sir," "you can get in now Miss."

"Thank you," and she get in and the door was closed behind her.

"Ms. Jauregui, come in."

"Good morning Mr. Cabello," and handed her hand when she approached her.

And Mr. Cabello gladly accepted the offered hand, "good morning, let's sit."

"Thank you," and Mr. Cabello guide her to the nearest sofa and make theirselves comfortable.

"Wow.. 7:57, you did what you say," Alejandro started when they seated.

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