Fate let us meet

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 A/N: I apologize for the grammar of my English because I'm not use to it since the original was taglish. If you notice in the previous chapter that Lauren was addressed by her employees especially Normani her secretary called her Sir, she wanted it that way and she's comfortable. But outside her company she let her business associate to call her miss. Here's chapter 2, enjoy! If you're still reading this well thank you, I appreciate it. This will be shorter than the previous.

"9 mins.?" Lauren is surprised to find out that CC is far from JG, "is there any other shortcut? Please I need to be on time."

"Shortcut, there is, there is a fastest route but in this hour it's traffic, youk now rush hour so many establishment and business shops."

"Damn it..."

"If I were you I will choose the 9 mins., base on your motorbike you can make it less than 9?"

"I will get caught."

"Don't worry patrol car will start at 9."



"Well then I will go for it, thanks by the way I really appreciate it," and wore her helmet and get in her Ducati, she thank again the man who help her before she left.

'I KNOW that Papa hasa point, but I really love Austin despite of all the bad things he'd done to me, am I this desperate?' "damn it!" and she heard a continuous beep, her eyes widen when she saw an incoming motorcycle, but luckily it only had a few meter before it get stops.

LAUREN angrily removed her helmet and approached the woman she almost bumped her if she don't have muscle strain of being a driver for a very long time, "are you crazy!? Do you want to commit suicide!?" and the woman just stare at her.

CAMILA didn't hear it exactly but she was familiar because every inch of that beautiful face, she knew who that woman is.

"Hey miss!" she exclaimed when she notice the woman is not in itself.

Camila was back to herself when she heard her exclaimed.

"Look at this woman still dreaming," and she chuckled sarcastically, then she get off of her Ducati and approach the woman, "miss, here," she guided then pointed the highway to get her attention, "do you see where exactly you are right now?"

Camila look down and she widened her eyes, just a few meters and she's on the center of the highway not on the pedestrian lane.

"Still sleeping?"

Camila bow down her head because it was her fault, she can't look at her straight in the eyes to apologize..

"If you really wanted to die don't drag me in, just be thankful I have some important errands to run to because if I don't I will surely take you to the nearby precinct, we have cctv here in case you forgot."

'Damn if Papa knows about this he will surely continue the plan,' "p-please spare me."

"Miss, if this happened again, just be ready, I will not spare you next time," and she turn her back to get back to her Ducati.

The raven-haired woman didn't look back on her but she was nervous while staring at the fading Ducati.

"How could she be look like the raven-haired beauty in my dream? They're really look the same," she just said when she remember where exactly she did meet her and then she close her eyes and took it out of her mind, "no, no, no, the raven-haired beauty was calm and a good person so it's impossible, it's just coincidence, yeah right," and she get back to the pedestrian lane.

LAUREN sighed when finally she reached CC, "7:53, thank God," and she get her phone and call her secretary, "Normani."

"Sir Lauren."

"Any updates?"

"Nothing Sir, did you get there?"

"Yep just in time."

"Thank God uhm—you called Sir any problem?"

"Tell Shawn to bring me some suits and get here, I'm stinks tell him to call me if he already arrived."

"Yes Sir I will tell him."


"You're welcome Sir and good luck."

"Uh thanks, I'll hang up now," and she shut her phone, she get her helmet after she put her phone in her pocket then she headed through the elevator.

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