From frustration to relief

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AFTER that night, Alejandro and Lauren met since Alejandro Cabello wants to talk with her.

"I'm glad I met you."

"Why Mr. Cabello?" Lauren asked.

"I told you Lauren, tito Alejandro will be fine, and remember that you and Camila are getting married, you're so formal and I know what you did."

And it make Lauren look at to Alejandro, "what?"

"Silly kid, of course I saw a ring on Camila's finger and it's not an ordinary ring."

"I see."

"I'm glad, because of you my daughter and I, we were close because before she was hard headed, didn't know how to listen to me, but now she was, we sometimes bond, she was smiling now and I am happy."

"That's good news."

"Yeah indeed, thank you Lauren."

"You're welcome tito."

"You and Camila are a very good couple soon, I saw that."


"As I said Camila is smiling now, she was smiling while looking on the ring."

And it made Lauren smile, 'a sign I think.'

"Did you already talk about the upcoming wedding?"

"I'm—sorry tito, I don't have time I've become busy these past few days and when there's time I'm not busy, Camila was busy."

"I see."

"Yes, but don't worry tito as they say there's always a time."

"You were right," he replied with a smile.

IT was 1 week already after their fist dinner date. Camila was disappointed because the dinner date with Lauren she expected didn't happen, she always kept looking forward to it and now she was not in the mood to keep herself busy. She even cancel all her appointments to Dinah, she will go home early and get some sleep.

When the time strikes 6:30 pm she arrange all of her things to leave when her secretary Dinah softly knock at her door.

"It's open."

And Dinah showed up.

"What is it?"

Dinah saw Camila arranging all the things, "you're leaving ma'am?"

"I had to go home early I'm not in myself tonight."

"I see—how about Sir Lauren?"

Before Camila could answer she heard her fiancee's voice and Dinah answered "yes". Then she saw her peeping on the door then enter when Dinah gave her a way.

"Hey," and she saw her things fully packed, "leaving already?"

"Uhmm y-yeah..."

"So early."

"Even you."

"No, I left my things in JG, for this," and she handed a catalogue.

Time for Dinah to close the door so the two can have privacy.

Camila accepted it and scanned it, "what's this?"

"Wedding gown catalogue, today was the release date, new version, I look at the previous version but it's already been sold so I look for it after I gave the ring to you."

Camila felt crying now she knew, "really."

"I'm really sorry for not seeing you, because of these," and she gave the other catalogue, "I'm sorry, I really tried but I failed."

"It's fine," and she accepted it, Camila saw that it was a best reception book for the wedding, the best place of honeymoon, any kind of catalogue that is part of the wedding, "I appreciate this."

"Thank you, well—if you're ready to leave I'll take you home, I'll wait for you to choose so take it, so can we go home now?"

Camila shook her head and she move closer to Lauren and embrace her tight.

And it made Lauren caught off guard and she heard her sob, "are you okay Camz?"

"Yeah," and she let go of her and Lauren hold her chin.

"You are not," and she tilt her head and saw her crying, "you're crying, why?"

"It's nothing, I'm being emotional."

"I see."

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, the wedding," and wipe her tears away, "we need to talk about this right now," and she took Lauren's hand and pulled her up to the double seated sofa.

"Are you sure?" she asked while letting Camila pulled her.


"How about your plans?"

"I don't have plans."

"You're tired then?" and they both seated.

"A bit, but I can take it."

"We can talk about this tomorrow I will not force you now."

"No, it's fine."

"Are you sure? No hard feelings?"


"Alright, come on now."


And they started. And Camila was so happy and Lauren was happy too when she saw Camila's smile.

"LAUREN," she said when they were inside the car.


"I'm sorry if I lied."

"What do you mean you lied?" and turn off the engine of her 2017 CLS 4-Door Coupe Black Mercedes Benz.

"The truth is I'm not really tired, it's just my excuse."

"I don't understand."

"I lied because—I'm really sulking."


Camila look away because she can't stare at those eyes, those emerald eyes of Lauren, same as the girl of her dream that she fell in love for.

"Don't push me please."

"You spit it out, so continue."

And Camila sighed and she looked down, "I sulked because I was really expecting our dinner date."

"Oh," and she bite her lower lip, she hurt Camila.

"But its okay now, you already gave your reason and it's enough."

"I'm sorry for that."

"Its okay, I'm sorry, I'm just too confident."

"No it's fine it's natural and normal, even me."


"But I'll try my best so that this will not happen again," and Camila nod at her, "you ready?"


And they left.

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