The News

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THREE days had passed and a news shook JG. And Lauren bumped her head on her own desk in her office. She already read the news and it was on the front page.

"Sir is this true? I want to know it from you."

"I know Normani and I don't need to explain because that's right, damn it! Those fools never leave me alone, why they want to intervene in my own personal life?!"

"Let them Sir you were in a business world and you two look good together like a true couple..," Mani said giggling, "where it was captured?"

"Damn you," and she get sighed, "at Rancho Golf Course not far from CC, I teach Mr. Cabello's daughter to play golf, so I did."

"Sir you really look good together."

"The truth is—we're going to get married soon."

"Really," and she stopped when the words finally sink in, "Sir?"

"You heard me right Mani."

"So you take the Board and the Council's suggestions?"

"They were right, I'm already 29 and I don't have any girlfriend I'm glad her father offered the opportunity."

"Its better be that way Sir."

And she look at to Normani, she didn't know that Mr. Cabello's daughter was the one who bailed her attacker, "yeah, you're right," then they heard a knock.

"I will just open it Sir."

"Go ahead Mani," and she laid on her swivel chair.

NORMANI's eyes widen when she knew the person who knocked at the twin door in Lauren's office.


And Lauren heard it, her office is not that big not to hear Mani's voice.

"Did I hear you right Mani? Dinah is here?"

"Yes Sir," and she embrace her girlfriend tight.

And Lauren stood to approach the two love birds and she really saw Dinah in the door, "Dinah," she said with a smile.

And the love birds let go of each other, "hello Sir Lauren."

"What are you doing here? I'm glad your boss let you stroll, better if you call first so I can arrange Mani's schedule."

"It's okay Sir, the truth is Ma'am Camila is with me."

"Camila? Where is she?" and she saw a person who wear a hoodie and she met those brown eyes, "what's with that suit?"

"Can you pelase let us in?"

And Lauren motioned Mani to open the door wide so that the two can come in.

And the two entered in Lauren's office.

CAMILA took off her hoodie after the door has closed. They went to their respective seats partner by partner.

"I'm glad Dinah knows the way where there are no staffs," Camila said after she seated together with Lauren in the four-seated sofa.

"Mani stroll her around."

"Is she..?" Camila asked the person beside Dinah, then Lauren nod, they're not far away where they were seated.

"Mani," Lauren called.

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