It is You

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"WE will be forever right?"

"Of course," Lauren answered, "you will never cry again, trust me."

"I love you Lauren."

"I always do."

Then Lauren's eyes opened couldn't believe what she had known.

"I-It was Camila and the—they're one? How could it possibly be happen?" and she get up, "it's an unusual thing," and she stopped when the reality hits her, "it's not me inside Camila's heart, I know that," and she get off of her bed to get ready.

"CAMILA sweetheart," and embrace her.

But Camila pushed him away, "I will not take long," she said to Austin, when she visit him at L.A Jail Facility.

"Is there a problem?"

"You are my problem, even form the start and that's the truth, please let me be happy, Lauren and I, we're both happy now."


"Don't call me that anymore because there are no us anymore."

"You're breaking up with me?"

"Isn't that obvious? I wanted to do it so long ago but I didn't break up with you because I crazily in love with you but not now, its gone or it did disappear long ago. I'll put you here because of what you've done I will not wait for Lauren to be involved or hurt because of you, let's stop this, this is the right thing to do, be in here forever."

"You didn't love me anymore, am I right?"

"Yes, you're right, my love for you disappear long time ago, if you just true to me this will not happen and I will not met Lauren and I'm tired already, I'm sorry Austin and this will be the last time we meet," and she stood.

"Sweetheart give me another chance, us."

"I'm sorry, but many times is enough," and she left.

And Austin clenched his both fist.

CAMILA went straight to her fiancee's office since they were having lunch. Since Mani is not in her cubicle on the right side of the twin door in Lauren's office she knocked. After hearing her fiancee's approval, she got in.

She saw her signing papers.

"Hey fiancee," she greeted her.

Then Lauren look up when she heard it, "oh hey, what are you doing here?" and she look at her wristwatch, "it's still 11:25, our lunch will be later," and it approached her and turn her for her to face Camila and she put down her sign pen and Camila sit in her lap and embrace her, "uhm you're okay?"

"Yes, I'm just happy."

"For what?"

"Because I'm choosing the right person," and she encircled her arms in her fiancee's neck and look at her lovingly in those emerald eyes that she loved the most.

"You sure you're okay?"

"I don't know."

And it hurts Camila, "is—there anything wrong? Tell me, it's my right to know, right?"

"Uhm yeah of course."

"Tell me, please."

It took Lauren a second before she answered, "just—one thing."

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