2nd dinner date

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THEIR dinner was great. Camila was so happy because Lauren became so talkative and it's a good beginning. After it they ended on the beach. They talk and everything.

"Lauren, I planned on visiting Austin."

"Why and for what? Do you still love him?"

"Of course not Lauren, my love for him is over and I don't know why I wanted to visit him but maybe those words I want to asked or tell will out if I'm there."

"Alright, even if I don't get your real reason why you want to visit him, promise me next time you will not visit him again, please."

"Okay, I promise," and she touch her cheek.


"How about you, don't you want to visit him?"

"And why would I do that?"

"Nothing, forget about it."

Camila saw something in her emerald eyes that she couldn't explain, jealousy, pain and sadness was written in Lauren's emerald eyes and she was hurt of course.

"Lauren I never saw your parents, where are they?"

"Heaven," she answered simply.


"It's okay."

"Can you tell me even just a little about them if it's fine to you?"

"Sure uhm my mother died when I was 7, father took care of me after that, teaches me everything even JG and even my emotions on how to control it, I don't know but after father died I felt freedom, its not that I'm happy, it's just how I feel."

"Your father was strict am I right?"


"Is that the reason why you don't have a girlfriend?"

"You were right again."

"Then I'm your first."

And Lauren nod.

"Look, I don't have any experience about this so I can't promise you anything and I'm afraid I can assure you, but one thing is for sure, no matter what happen, I'm here, I'm just here, even if this will not work out this upcoming relationship as husband and wife, believe me that I..," and widen her eyes when she felt Camila's lips on hers, this time she close her eyes to feel the feeling of it and it was soft.

"I'm sorry Lauren but—I want our marriage work out, I don't know why but I felt happiness when you're around and I'm safe too, don't fault me if I feel this towards you."

"I understand if that's what you want, I might hurt you or something that's why I told you."

"I know that you can't do it, part of me trusted you that you will not."

"Thanks then, I'll try my best," and her fiancee kiss her again and she just close her eyes and accept it.

"SLEEP tight."

"Please do the same because I know you're tired."

"Of course, uhm is it okay if I visit you in your office tomorrow?"

"Sure, I'll be glad if you will, because I know you're busy."

"Thanks for understanding I have 3 hrs break before my meeting."

"Okay, then what time?"

"Lunch, is it okay?"

"Sure, lunch."


"Tell Dinah."

"I will."

"Well, goodnight."

"Goodnight," and Camila turn its back when she call her again, "Camz?"

"Yes?" and she turn her back then she met Lauren's soft warm lips.

"Goodnight, sleep well."

"I-I will," she replied with stutter.



And Lauren left with her Ducati.

Mixed emotion and sensation Camila had felt after Lauren left. She was savouring the moment, she like Lauren's kiss, she felt that she was on cloud 9 and she giggled then she get in into their house. 

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