Love or Hate?

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   They were very silent for a moment until they reach the elevator. Camila press the button to the ground floor, the parking lot. When the door was closed and the elevator started to slide down, they were silent again but only for a second when Camila broke the silence first.

"I hate you."

"Thank you then," and she notice her reaction.

Camila was even more frustrated because of her answer.

"What at least you're being honest with me."

"I will not marry you."

"Then don't, I don't care, I will not marry you too."

"Very good then I'm just clearing out the situation."

"Yeah sure, but good luck to your father you can take care of him right? You're lucky because he's still here."

"Are you pissing me off?"

"Why are you pissed?"

'She's really different from the girl in my dream,' "no."


"About Austin..."

"No, don't! Okay?" she cut her, "don't mention his name in front of me or even to Dinah, you will really see her rage, especially me."

And Camila saw the fire in those emerald eyes so she stopped staring at her, "I don't believe you."

"It's fine and I know so I don't care, it's really obvious that craziness you feel for himbut don't try Dinah, I warned you," and her phone rang and she get it in her pocket then answer it, "Normani," "alright, please tell him I'm on my way please ready our contract in," "yes Normani it's a good news, he accepted it..."

And Camila look at to Lauren, 'why I can't go mad at her forever? Her face is so sweet and gentle, that woman on my dream and her they're just the same ,' and she look down, 'my heart wanted to believe everything she said about Austin, I already knew it from the start but still forgiven him, I'm going to be crazy.'

"Ms. Cabello hey."

Then Camila came back to reality and she saw Lauren outside the elevator, they were in the parking lot already and it's already done talking to the secretary, then she step outside and followed her.

In a distance they saw a man, brusque and tall then Camila raise her brow when the man approached them and gave respect.

"Good morning Sir Lauren."

Now Camila knew, it was Lauren's driver/ bodyguard but why the man address Lauren a Sir?

"Good morning Shawn."

"I already have your suit Sir."


"Do you want me to accompany you Sir?"

"You can go back to JG, they might need you there, I have my Ducati so no worries, thanks for today."

"Okay Sir, I will just get it," and he leave to get Lauren's suit.

"Youcan go back to your office, I already took so much of your time," Lauren said to Camila.

"No it's fine, I let you leave first."

"It's up to you then, but don't fault me."

Then Shawn came back with the suit ih his hands, "Sir here," and handed it.

Lauren accepted it, "you can leave now."

"Okay Sir."

"Be careful for your driving."

"Thank you Sir, take care," and he left.

And they wait for him to leave the parking lot.

Camila saw the brand name of the car it's a Black Mercedes Benz while her own car is a CT5 luxury sedan gray Cadillac and mind you, JG is far more bigger than CC and take note JG as being their new investor was a big help for them.

Lauren went to her own Ducati, leaving Camila behind. She opened the secret compartment and took the business suit out on its cover. Then she followed her suit, the necktie, her white long sleeve polo, leaving her sando only.

And it caught Camila's attention, leaving her mouth half open, seeing Lauren almost naked and those muscled arm. She couldn't believe what her eyes can see. A woman like Lauren was a bit muscular, she was drooling at her, 'cause Lauren was so inviting.

'Why I think of Lauren sexually? What really happened to me?' and she took a step towards her, "is it really okay for you that someone might saw you almost naked in the public?"

"Why would I? I'm not afraid showing a woman my nakedness and the cctv cam can't capture this spot, why you ask? Do you like what you see?" and buttoned her white polo and follow the black necktie.

Camila felt herself blushing after hearing it, cause it was all true, but she need to deny before Lauren caught her off guard, "of course not! And don't do it again in front of me."

"No worries you will not see this again, in case you will asked me gently I will not doubt to give you your request, I'm not selfish, especially if you can't stop your father's decision because it was really obvious that he had a nice plan for both of us, and thank you for reminding me the 'marriage thing'," and wore the coat and then her used suit, she put it on the cover and put it on the compartment of her Ducati then lock it.

"And why would I marry you? You can't do anything."

"Think what you wanted to think, say what you wanted to say, I don't care," and she get her helmet.

Camila get annoyed because she heard it again, that Lauren didn't care.

"..and it's impossible that it is you," she referred the woman in her dream.

"Yes you're right it's impossible, because I'm the only Lauren Jauregui in this world."

"Bingo! Because she's a good and gentle person than you," and she saw her tying its wavy raven-haired then wore its helmet then sat on the Ducati she then kick the supporter up then back off the Ducati, she stopped in front of her and said, "I mean it you're beautiful but you have a ugly manners and your love is out of place, it's nice meeting you anyways," and she turn on the engine, close the cover and finally rode off. The engine roared in the parking lot when Lauren left.

Camila couldn't take it but she was hurt of what Lauren said.

"Are you done escorting her?"

"Yes Papa."

"I didn't like your behaviour you showed in front of Ms. Jauregui and I know you will still protect that moron Mahone from me, even if you beg me many times my decision is final, whether you like it or not, you understand me Camila Cabello? What I heard from Ms. Jauregui is enough."

Then Camila remembered what Lauren said in the parking lot, even if it hurts her she finally agreed, she can't do nothing now that she's doubts her love for Austin.

"Yes Papa, I understand."

"Good, you can go back to your office now and ask your schedule to Dinah I already gave it to her."

And Camila left.

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