It's now or never

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 CAMILA let the time pass by for she was thinking on how to tell it to Dinah, because she knew Dinah might put distance to her. Dinah was her friend now and already told her that she'll be the maid of honor, since Lauren was the bestman.

Then she heard a faint knock and Dinah get in.


"Dinah, what is it?"

"I'll be going home now ma'am."

"What? Why, what time is it already?"

"It's already 7:30, I need to pick Mani."

"It's already evening, damn I didn't notice it."

"It's okay ma'am."

"You may go now Dinah, thank you."

"Okay ma'am," and she turn her back.

'It's time, you can do it Camila,' and took a deep breath then call her, "Dinah."

"Ma'am?" and she went back, "what is it ma'am?"

"There's..," and she heard her heart beats faster, "there's something I want to tell you."

"Hmm what is it ma'am?"

"Ahh," 'you can do it, go ahead,' "first of all, I know you were forgetting the worst memory that you and Mani had encountered."


"I just wanted you to know that—that man who hurt your fiancee was—my ex..."

And Dinah stopped.

"I'm sorry Dinah, I don't know how to say it, I saw the madness in you towards him."

"Where is he?"

"He's on jail now just this morning please Dinah control yourself Mani and you are getting married, she will get lonely if there's something happens to you just leave it to me please," and she heard her hard breathing, "Dinah..."

"You were right, Mani will get sad, and I don't want it to happen, she was so dear to me and I will make her happy for the rest of our lives and marrying her was part of it."

"Don't worry Dinah, I'll make sure he will not get out, forgive me Dinah I heard the truth from Lauren."

"Did Sir Lauren know about it?"

"Yes, she knows and I hope you understand why she didn't tell you."

"Let's just forget about it and you're not at fault, I can't fault you, you just love him and I understand."

"It was before, not now."

"Are you felt guilty that's why you accept Sir Lauren's proposal?"

"No, of course not Dinah, Lauren was different, I just realize my misfortune with Austin after I knew Lauren for a very short time I began to realize that I have no future in Austin and I will not be happy, Lauren made me realize that, that's the reason why I accept her, I love her now and that was the truth, but she don't know about my feelings yet."

"Sir Lauren is a good person and there's no one that can beat her and she deserved to be happy, please take care of her."

"Of course Dinah and that's a promise, I will do it because I love her."

"Thank you."

"Am I forgiven now Dinah?"

"It's not your fault and I want to hear it from that bastard."

MY DREAM GIRL (camren edition)Where stories live. Discover now