The Hitman's Daughter | Chapter 1

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Hailey's POV

Most teenagers dream of a trip to Disneyland, a sweet date with their cute boyfriend because couple goals is a must, latest fashion and make-up. I, on the other hand, dream of a normal life. Most wouldn't handle even looking at a dead body, I have to see one every single day. No, I am not talking about working in a police investigation group or whatever, it's actually the other way round. I didn't really think I would end up like this but, I've got nothing to do than just roll with it. I don't daydream and try to think of a very happy future. Nothing stays happy. If it's anything, I will have a very dull future.

If you thought that I'm talking about being in a gang well you're wrong but still close. My father is a Hitman from the government and he started an agency, he assured me that it is not illegal. You can consider us as the CIA or something, only we are named Secret Force Association or SFA. I am told that the police knows about our doings and most missions that are too hard or controversial for them to handle is given to us. Some cases where the government doesn't want to be involved too much. It's complicated to explain, you can figure it out.

I was one of those teenagers who dreamed all the cliché things that I now find icky. I'm not that sweet little girl who dreams of living in a world full of candies and rainbows. I was and now I'm a changed woman. I used to cringe when there are dead bodies on the news, but little did I know that I was going to make the headlines. Not good ones too.

I guess you're a bit confused. I thought that the police knew about your actions, why make it to the news? Well for example... a scientist who once worked for the government gone crazy started making nuclear weapons after his family got involved in a hostage crisis by some enemies from where he works, started blaming the whole system for it and got mad. He got very dangerous, the government obviously wanted to cover up the fiasco and the fact that they might have been involved with this situation. They got scared that the next headline in the news might be "Scientist blames the government for the involvement of his family in a hostage crisis, cause of death". He was just one of those typical scientist put out there to make discoveries and observations to unsolved occurrences. We had to make it look as if he has gone full on crazy and killed himself. Thus a different headline that had the government free from what was supposed to be an embarrassment "Scientist killed himself after creating numerous dangerous nuclear weapons". See the difference?

So the question is, how did I get involved in a life like this? Nothing like what a teen would've wanted right? Okay, I knew my dad was a hitman but I guess I wasn't that aware to the fact that he was slowly training me to become one to. I always saw it as bonding time, self-defense strategies, bit of a work-out. Guess I was wrong.

My father soon retired by the age of 53 and that is where he took me in. Sure it was weird and scary at first but he trained me well. After school we would always train in the garage and he thought that I was finally worthy to be part of that lifestyle. And I wasn't just part of it, I was put on top.


"Dad! I'm home!" I open the front door swiftly to see a dark atmosphere, as if Annabelle was about to show up out in the corner and leave torn papers on the floor. "Dad?" I shout once more. I heard a slight sound of shuffling nearby, obviously trying to stay as quiet as possible.

I smirked, walking slowly and listening attentively. I knew what to expect, it was just too common that I got used to it. Just as I was approaching the kitchen a hand swung in attempt to hit my face but I caught it just in time and pulled it, locking my father's arm behind him and pinning him onto the wall. Come on, I can't get too violent, the man's old. Can't really worsen the condition of his bones now can I? I'm just glad it wasn't Annabelle

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