The Hitman's Daughter | Chapter 16

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Tyler's POV

"Hey Tyler, your father wants you to kill this man named John Kit. Apparently he owed him $100,000 but he never showed up to him for six months"

"Sure, I'll go in a while" I nod and head to my room

A few days ago I got an anonymous call to find out that it was from the ones who has Hailey and when I saw her face, bruised and scarred. I was scared.  I tried to trace the call but I couldn't, they are too smart for me

I head out once I finally changed in my room and went inside my car. Using the link Jimmy sent me about John Kit's whereabouts, it is about half an hour away on the other side of the city.

Minutes later I was by the side of a cliff, the waves crashing on the shore and the trees passing by in a flash due to the speed that I was going. I turn to a curve to see a car on the middle on the road, nearly on the wrong side of the road. Stomping on the brakes I honk loudly to which it reacts and turns, nearly falling on the edge.

I quickly park my car on the side of the road and run to the car where I hear a girl shouting and throwing to what seems to be a bracelet.

"Hey miss? Are you okay?" I approach and she quickly stiffens

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just wasn't thinking straight" she sighs and pulls her hair back aggressively letting me see a face I never expected to see

"Hailey?" she looks up at shock and not I can clearly see that it really is her

How is she here? Where the hell are her bruises? How did she escape? Did she steal this car? Millions of questions swarm my mind but only one thought is what makes me happy. She's here and I can care for her again. She doesn't have to suffer and be scared again because I will be here from this moment on.

"What- what are you doing here?" she steps away instantly like I was fire and she's afraid that I might burn her

"Hailey, how did you escape? Are you alright?" I attempt to come near her and hug her but she suddenly pushes me away making me stumble back

From this distance I can see that she has been crying. Her eyes are puffy, she has slight bruises that seemed to be a bit lighter than before. I look at her eyes and see pain

"Stay away from me, Tyler" five words was all it took to send bullets into my heart, it felt bad. It's like she doesn't even want me here

"Hailey, come with me please. You aren't safe" I take her hand and pull her to my car but she keeps on resisting me

"No! Let go of me! Stop!" she pulls her hand and the next thing I know my face was being whipped causing a loud smacking sound that echoed and I look at her in shock

"Hailey, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" she laughs making me si confused right now, didn't she just slap me? Because I'm sure she did. "What's wrong? What's wrong is that your father killed my mother! You are related to a criminal who ruined my family! I would rather die than be with you" I stare at her in shock and disbelief. Did she just say my father killed her mother? She goes back to her car and goes back to the direction she came from

I watch Hailey as she retreats back to her sweet ride (I can't resist the beauty of certain vehicles) and drives off

I wanted to go after her but what she said stunned me. My father killed her mother. Maybe this is what they were blackmailing her, they must have told her about it and now she hates me. But why did I not know this any sooner?

I'm torn between choosing to go after the girl I love or to go and confront my father.


"As I recall Tyler, your father did not seem to invite you over" I walk in the doors and walk past my father's annoying assistant

"Shut up and move aside" I ignore her to which she reacts to be taken aback

I burst open my father's door and find him touching a woman and I cringe. They both move away from one another, just another one of his gold diggers

"Tyler! Why the hell are you here?"

"Whoever you are, get the fuck out now" I glare at the girl and she widens her eyes, obviously afraid. She seemed around my age and I can't believe my father would stoop that low

"What are you doing here?" he sounds irritated

"What do you know about my girlfriends father?" I step closer and he looks at me in confusion

"Who? That Hailey girl?"

"Yes! Hailey Miles!" I slam my fist on the glass table leaving slight cracks

"Oh, Miles. Yes, I remember. Her father killed our leader so we went to her house and accidentally killed her mother and we tied her up" he says as if it was nothing

"Great, just great" I laugh and he looks more confused "Thanks for ruining my relationship with her" I leave but he says something

"Son, if I knew that she would be your future girlfriend. Do you think I would have done that?" this is the first time he actually called me son in awhile

"Yes, because you wouldn't care about whoever you kill at however it might affect you" I let out those words venomously

"That is where you are wrong" he sits behind his desk and opens a drawer

"Tyler, I might not be the father you have always wanted but that does not mean that I do not want the best for you. Here" he hands over a box and when I open it, there's a ring inside

"What's this supposed to be?"

"That is the promise ring I gave your mother when I was about your age, I am handing it over to you to promise that girl that she is the one" I can't believe I just heard that from my father "Now go, because you just disturbed something" aaand he's back

Considering that he gave this to me must mean that he really is sorry. But Hailey hates me and I don't know what to do. I actually got to see her again but I let her go again. But this time, I'll make sure that she will be mine

End of chapter...

Hey guys! I just want to say that from this chapter to the couple of next ones it will be sort of short. I'm so sorry! But I promise you that the drama and tears will be there! Also action of course, what's a hitman's daughter without action am I right?

Well anyways, don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks to everyone supporting my book lately! I really appreciate it! Especially berna_alyn17  who I became close with lately. Thank you everyone!


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