The Hitman's Daughter | Chapter 20

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Tyler's POV

We both stand only a small distance apart, does she expect me to fight her?

"I won't fight you!" I shout at her but she laughs and smirks

"But I will" she suddenly lunges at me and punches me but I don't fight back, I will try to block her punches but I won't fight back

I let her beat me up and I see the enjoyment on her face. I felt weaker by the minute till I fell on my knees. "What are you, a saint suddenly? Fight back!" she mocks as she kicks my stomach making me grunt

"I won't fight you so beat me up all you want because I won'g fight you" she didn't speak at first but then shrugs and kicks me one more time

"Come on! Fight!"

"Get up!"

"Fight me you weak coward!"

I finally give in and shout, gripping her neck but all she does was smirk "Is this what you want?" I ask through gritted teeth

"Yes" she answers back and I throw her down aiming my gun at her, just at this time that I can kill her... I can't force myself to

My hands are shaking, refusing to pull the trigger. I want it to end right now but I can't help but still love her no matter how hard I try not to.

"What's wrong? Can't pull the trigger?" what is it with this girl? There is a gun pointed at her but she doesn't flinch or beg me to forgive her. She acts as if it's just nothing

"Why are you doing this?" I feel the tears stinging my eyes but I stop it making her smile even more

"Simple, you are just a mission and I am finishing it" she says as if it wouldn't hurt anyone. But it hurt me, it was like she pulled my heart out, making it clear that I was nothing but a mission

"I can't believe I trusted you" I bite back the tears and she laughs. She laughs at my pain, she laughs at me, she laughs at how I'm hurting.

"I can't believe you are that easy to fool" she kicks my hand making me let go of the gun and then punches me making me fall on the floor. She tries to pounce at me but then she was punched by no one other than Chris

Hailey and her team are finally down and I straighten myself up. I reach on my pocket to pull out the box that I was supposed to give her. "Here, I don't care about that anymore" she looks at me weirdly and takes the box but before she can open it my team pulls them and ties them up. Locking them into a van


Hailey's POV

"No! We have to get out!" I kick harder on the door but it doesn't budge

"Stop, Hailey. We lost" Mitch sighs and I slide back down

"This is all my fault" I start crying and the guys look at me sadly "I should have just shot him, I should have ended it. I failed all of you, I'm sorry" No one speaks until the doors burst open to reveal the man who killed me, my family, my dignity

"That was a bold move you did, too bad you failed" he sat on the chair right at the table and I attempt to attack him but his bodyguards pull me away

"Ooh, you're one little feisty one aren't you?" he laughs at me in amusement and I fuming with anger

"Laugh all you want but I will find away to cut my knife down your throat and I will not give up till I do" I threaten him but he does not seem to be bothered

"Lock them up" men pulled us away from the room but he speaks up again "On second thought, leave the girl" they nod and tie me up to a chair

He stares at me making me feel very weird and uncomfortable "I know I'm pretty but come on, don't go pedophile" I mock him

"My son, he came running to me mad when he found out that I killed your mother" I stiffen on how he just said that with all honesty, I stay silent "He got so mad that he blamed me that he is about to lose you. I gave him this" he hands the same box that I didn't bother to pick up

"Open it when you grow some conscience"

"Who the hell are you to tell me to grow some conscience? Did you not grow one when you destroyed a family? What you did was bigger than what I did and if you think I'm going to open that box well then you can wait till you die!" I bite back venomously and he just watches me with amusement like a lion in a cage, entertaining

"Your father isn't who you think he is, Hailey. Keep that in mind" with that the guards pull me back and head to another darker room and threw me in there where the other guys are

"Hailey? What happened? Did he do anything to you?" they all ask worried and I shake my head no

"I don't know what to believe anymore" I crawl to the corner and wonder there

What did he mean by my father isn't who I thought he is?

End of chapter...

im running some errands at the mall rn, what r u doing? dont forget to vote and comment!


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