The Hitman's Daughter | Chapter 2

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Hailey's POV

It's been a week since I have moved into the SFA. Mitch was a great guide to how things work and where things were. He even warned me about touching Louis' chocolates, apparently it makes him cranky when he finds out that someone else ate it. They showed me to my room as well and let me tell you, they did not disappoint. My room was modern but simple. I even had my own wall of doom which I think is pretty badass. Other than that, it was pretty simple. I guess my dad prepared for me to come here too since the room is painted in royal blue which is my favorite. Installed some things that made it similar to my room back in my old home too. So I guess it wasn't that hard to adjust.

I get to go on missions which was really cool. Like handling drug dealers, gangs, crazy scientist, and a cult gone mad. Didn't really expect the last. But then again I did not expect any of this. Other than that, we got to get to know each other more. One night we ordered some Mexican food and decided to talk. Of course they didn't agree at first and just wanted to eat but they had no other choice but to follow me. Being the leader and all. I attained some information about them.

Marc Jason Hermosa aka Jason aka Devil. He was born in Brazil on April 17. His father was a douche which made his mom crazy so he has to fend for himself whilst taking care of his alcoholic and smoking mother and abusive, careless father. He didn't want to get into detail. All of a sudden he came home alone, no mother and father. Soon after he joined the SFA. He loves to go training and hiking, obviously sportsy. He's twenty-seven years old, three years older than me and 5'10.

Mitch Denvor aka Ghost was actually in good terms with his family and was doing fine until his family was in a car accident including his sister. He went stoic and dull after that, decided to join the SFA too. That's all he gave me about him. I can actually already tell that he's the most responsible out of all of them. He's twenty-eight years old and 6'2.

Louis Carlos Ramos grew up in an orphanage until he grew up and my father saw some potential in him and took him in. Jason and Mitch treated him like a brother and trained him to suit this lifestyle. He's like their baby brother, he's still twenty-five only a year older and 5'9.

So basically they have tragic family stories like me. And their height mocks my 5'1 height. I noticed that no matter how much of an idiot they were, they were actually like brothers. Treating each other like family because theirs was messed up. And they did not hesitate to treat me like a sister too. Though it was still a bit awkward, they still showed me some respect. Although I'm reconsidering that they might be treating me this way because I'm the leader.

We're just about to finish up with another mission. A threat warned us about a former agent in the government that got fired after his illegal recruiting procedures. His excuses were that it was just to make sure they were up to it but asking them to try and escape a fully locked car underwater while in handcuffs just wasn't it. He got mad and thought that his way was better and they just can't see his point. Reports say he was getting ready to strike back at them so we handled it before he could even get the chance.

"Why is everyone going rogue these days?" I tie my hair up properly and hide the guns in their cases

"Society is not all our friend, probably" Louis tries to act smart

"Society wasn't really the problem here, it's his brain" Jason butts in and Mitch and I end up looking at each other as if saying "Are they serious?".

We pack up and look at the now dead body one last time. Once again we had to make it look as if it was a suicide and leave no traces that it wasn't. He was just hanging from a rope and thanks to Jason's skill of being good at copying things (probably something he learned whilst cheating at school), he was able to copy the guy's penmanship and wrote a fake suicide letter.

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