The Hitman's Daughter | Chapter 23

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Hailey's POV

"Today, we have lost not only a comrade but a friend. When I was still new here, he taught me everything I needed to know. He was like a brother to me. And now to see him lifeless, after saving my life. I don't know what else to say but... thank you" I start tearing up as I stare at Mitch's coffin

"Thank you for being there for me, thank you for being the brother I never had, thank you for bringing joy to your loved ones and serving your country well. Mitch, we love you and it hurts to see you go so soon. We will always remember how you take a bath longer than any girl, how you would freak out if I hid your xbox, how you ate like a pig, and how bad you fart smells" the rest of the group laughed along with me at the memory

"I am honoured to have fought by your side.  Rest in peace, my friend"

I walk over to his coffin now being slowly placed six feet under, tears dripping down my cheeks. I held the white rose tightly to my chest, kissing it softly and dropping it down. The rest do the same.

Today has been a dull memory that I will keep. A friend of mine lost his life saving mine. Nothing will ever be the same again.

Tyler walks by my side and rubs my arms, placing a kiss on my head. I look at him and hug him, crying at his chest. Jason starts filling up the hole with dirt and I look over to the coffin thinking that this will be the last time I will ever see him again.

Jason finished up and kneeled over and touched the ground "We love you, man" he whispered

Louis slowly came over and kneeled right beside Jason, bawling his eyes out. Mitch took Louis under his wing, he was the most responsible out of all of us. He helped every one of us, I just can't believe I won't be seeing him anymore.

"Mitch! Why? Why do you have to go?" Louis screams making my attention avert to him, he was crying. The ground below him drenched in his tears.

He starts coughing so hard that Jason had to take him back to the car and back home, that was our cue too.


Tyler sits on the drivers sit and I on the passenger seat. The rest squish each other in the back. It was a silent ride, no one dared to speak. I just lost someone so dear to me because they were involved in my life, my dangerous life.

I can't afford losing more

Tyler and his team stays with us now, they promised to stop all drugs and shenanigans they used to do. But Henry, Chris, and Jimmy hasn't forgiven me yet. I don't blame them because I did try to kill them.

"I'll go cook lunch" I mutter and walk over to the kitchen taking the onions and garlic and chopping them up

My mind keeps thinking and reminiscing the time he was shot. I should be the one who was shot not him. The gun was pointed at me, I was meant to be in that coffin not him. I didn't realise how fast I was chopping and ended up cutting myself and I wince at the pain

"Hey, you alright?" Tyler rushes to me and takes a look at my finger

"Yeah, it's just a small cut"but it was obviously a deep one, judging by how much blood it is releasing

He takes my hand and drenches it in water making me wince more in pain. He took the first aid kit and looked at me "It might hurt"

"You stitched me up while I was awake, I know what hurt is" I joke and he only smiles a bit

He dropped drops of alcohol to my wound making me shout a bit. After cleansing it he wrapped it around in band aid and kissed it

"Thanks" I mumble and get back to cooking

"I'm sorry about Mitch" he leans over to the island

"It's not your fault" I answer back as I start turning on the stove and placing a clean pan on top

"No, it is. I should have taken the bullet"

"Tyler, what's done is done" I said ever so bitterly and turned back to cooking

There was silence again, it made me uncomfortable. I rushed here to there, taking all the ingredients I need and left it to simmer in the pan

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Honestly, no. I'm not" I sigh and bury face in my palms

"Hey, it's alright" he hugs me but I push him away

"No, you don't understand. I'm the worst person to ever set foot on this planet"

"Don't say that"

"Well then what do you want me to say? I played you, I tricked your friends, Mitch died, Louis is sick" I start blurting out

I then smell something burning and realised that my dish was slowly turning black and I curse, sighing as I pull my hair back

"When I met you, you were just a mission. When you thought we had an intimate moment? It was merely just a memory planted in your brain. I love you but, I don't want anyone to get hurt anymore. It's better to, let go" I sigh and he had no words

He left and I sigh once more, the food was still good enough so I left it in a bowl for the others to eat. I walk over to my room, passing by Tyler's and see his door ajar

I peek and see him throwing everything he can, smashing vases, shouting, destroying anything in sight. He took the painting of me and was about to throw it as I wait for my heart to be broken. But he never did destroy it

He fell to his knees and stare at the photo, hugging it "I still love you"

But I knew that we weren't meant to be. He deserved more than this, everyone deserves more than me

"I love you, Hailey. It hurts but I do"

he hugged the painting tightly as I close the door. Feeling the biggest regret I ever had.

End of chapter...

I know I said I don't know what to write next but then suddenly, my brain cooperated and gave me an idea. I know, shocking. Don't forget to vote and comment!


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