The Hitman's Daughter | Chapter 13

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Hailey's POV

"Hailey, you need to eat" Jason says through the door but I ignore him

"You don't have to beat yourself up, Hailey. It's okay" Louis also speaks up

"Fuck off!" I shout

Why am I acting like this? I had the chance! To kill him right there but somehow something stopped me. I hated myself for not letting me finish the mission.

"Hailey, you're drunk" he says and tries to come closer to be but that only makes me pull the hammer of the gun making him stop

"No! Stop! You're making it harder for me!"

"What am I making harder? I can't understand you!" I can see him tear up a bit

"Don't worry, you won't have to think about this anymore"

"Hailey, you can't do this, please" he starts begging on his knees and a wave of guilt washes over me but I immediately push it off

"Fuck this" I lower my hand and run away without turning back

"Jason, pick me up please" I call Jason and throw the phone into a sewer and wait for the car to arrive and there I thought that there is no turning back

"Hailey..." Mitch comes inside and sits on my bed right beside me but I scoot over making him fall

"Hailey, let's talk" he sits on the other side of my bed and I groan

"What is there to talk about? I failed the team! I had one mission and I couldn't even pull a damn trigger!" I shout and throw the pillow

"We will find another way. You need to eat" he pulls the sheets to reveal me wearing a black hoodie and black leggings. Something I would only wear when I want to cry

"You need to fuck off" I pull the sheets back up to my head

"Well I tried" I felt his hands wrapped around me and I fight as I feel myself being parted from my bed

He makes me sit on the chair and I was about to leave when I snell the scent of waffles and whip cream with berries and I moan

"Where's the food?" I immediately shout and Mitch hands over the plate and I immediately lunge in as if it is my prey, which it is my prey because I will devour it

"Hailey, you might not know it because what you did is not a mistake" Mitch says as he sits near me on my left

"What?" I take another bite from my food

"Jason is on the way to the hotel and with your help we know that they have access to the cameras there so we thought of pulling off a few tricks" I look at him confused and he sighs and pulls out a laptop showing the view of a hidden camera in his suit

"Is there any Tyler Andersons booked in here?" What? Is he crazy?

"Let me check" the employee looks at him weirdly and pretends to type on the computer but you can see how sloppily he reached over for a panic button

"I'm afraid there is none sir" he smiles and Jason nods and leaves to thank him

"Well then Pinocchio, tell him that we have her and blackmailed her to do everything... and I mean everything we tell her. Especially when it comes to.. you know" Is he crazy?!

He turns around and looks at the camera and holds up a paper which I can't read yet. After a fee seconds he immediately faces it to him to fold it and I had enough time to read it

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