The Hitman's Daughter | Chapter 15

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Hailey's POV

Another week of training and hard work goes by. We always aim to keep track of The Outsiders lead by Tyler. But lately they have done nothing violent but they always return to his father's house so now he is one of our leads

So far nothing happened to any of us, it was actually a decent week. My grades are doing good, my training has been okay so far, and the boys haven't broken any rules lately.

Well, almost. I caught Louis about to light his cigarette but I stopped him. He should be thankful that I didn't press charges

We are all sitting on the long table in the main base. Louis is on the computer, Jason is on instagram, Mitch is playing with a pen, and I am so close to drop and snore.

"Alpha, come and look at this" I jump uo my seat as Louis calls me and the others over to the computers to see what he researched about Tyler's father

"Jackpot, now what have we got Louis?" I lean over

"Vex Andersons, multi-billionaire with hotel businesses. He was accused of involvement of drugs but there was not enough evidence found. He had a son named Tyler Andersons with his wife Gina Andersons who died in cancer" Louis shows a photo of him, he looks old but just by looking at him you can tell that he is one of those arrogant rich guys

He is wearing this navy blue suit and a golden watch. His hair is fixed back and his shades are loosely stable on his nose bridge. I don't know why but I had a bad feeling about this.

My eyes widen as I see a tattoo on his neck, something I did not notice when I first saw him personally. A moon tattoo, and not just any moon. It looked like mine.

"No, this can't be" I take a step back in shock and they all look at me slowly

"Hailey? What's wrong?" Jason looks at me with worry sketched on his face

"I- I need to go" I start walking to the door as I hear them stop me "Please, I need time. I'll be back"

It all comes back to me. The way he stared down my mother's body as if he doesn't care that he just ruined a life of an innocent woman. He tied me up and gave me the bracelet. Not knowing he is the father of the gang we are trying to take down.

I take the fastest car we have and drive as far as I can go. Once the city was cleared out and I start going down the empty streets 186 kph. The memories keeps coming back and I grip on the wheel tightly, my knuckles turning white. I'm being reckless but I don't know of I can think straight anymore.

I see a light coming closer and loud honking, that's when I realise that I'm turning to far to the middle that I was about to crash into a car. I quickly turn the wheel and almost fall off the edge and into the ocean. I breathe heavily and shout. All this pain is too much for me to handle.

I take a step outside and catch my breathe. Sitting by the edge to watch the waves crashing down the shore. Why did all of this have to happen to me?

I shout in exasperation and run a hand through my hair aggressively. I stare at the bracelet on my hand, as if it's poison to me. I look over to the ocean and I throw the bracelet. Dropping down my knees and crying.

The car I almost crashed stopped and the driver runs up to me. "Hey miss? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just wasn't thinking straight" I sigh and pull my hair to the back

"Hailey?" I look at who called my name and I back up

"What- what are you doing here?" I take a step away when he tries to come near me

"Hailey, how did you escape? Are you alright?" he comes near me but I push him away

Why must he show up right now after what had just happened. I don't want this to happen but fate is playing with me right now that I can just jump into the ocean and drown.

"Stay away from me, Tyler"

"Hailey, come with me please. You aren't safe" he pulls me to him but I resist

"No! Let go of me! Stop!" I pull my hand and slap him right across the face

"Hailey, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" I laugh and come closer "What's wrong? What's wrong is that your father killed my mother! You are related to a criminal who ruined my family! I would rather die than be with you" I head back to the car and drive off as fast as I could so he couldn't follow me


"Hailey, we're going to watch a movie. You could choose if you want to, feel free to join us" Jason says through the door

I came home crying and I had to tell them everything but I ended up locking myself up in my room and crying my heart out. Maybe what others say is true. When you're too happy enjoying the moment, some things are bound to happen. This is it.

I want to shout and scream, hit a wall until my knuckles bleed, and most of all... hunt down the bastard who ruined my family.

Without second thoughts I walk to the training room and lock the room. Taking the hand glove and wrapping it around my hands and walk over to the punching bag. With every hit, I try to let out the pain growing inside in me. My memories with my mother flood in and I hated how I didn't realise it any sooner. I hit it harder, the pain in my knuckles growing. I shout and drop on my knees, this wasn't enough. I couldn't keep the pain out. My poor innocent mother wished for a perfect life, a happy family.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" I walk in the room and see her crying in front of the mirror but quickly wipes away her tears

"It's nothing, honey" she smiles but pain is evident in her eyes

"Is it daddy? Is he gone again?" I don't like seeing my mother crying, she doesn't deserve to cry. She has to be happy

"No, it will all be alright. Don't worry, it will get better" she stands up and starts packing

"Mommy, what's happening?" I walk over to her

"Hailey, come on. We need to go"

She wanted to leave my father for his life became too reckless that we might get involved. She called me to come with her but I refused to go. If only I was not stupid enough to not let her take us to another place, she would bot have been dead. I don't only blame Tyler's father, but also me.

I stand up once again and wipe away the tears and sweat dripping down my face. I have to work hard if I want to kill every single one of them. This time, no distractions. They will see me and they will cower in fear. I will be their nightmare, I will be their pain,...

I will be their death

End of chapter...

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