26. chat

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"DINNER TIME!" Erwin shouted upstairs causing Levi and I to jump apart.

I guess I'd better get changed or something.

"You go ahead I need to put on clothing," I mumbled gesturing to the door.

That would be a good idea Y/N.

Yeah you're right you probably should.


"Uh yeah ok go back to your room and get changed," Levi mumbled pushing me out of the boy's room.

Yup yup yup.

"Levi if I start crying at the dinner table when Mikasa says she's leaving- don't do anything," I muttered standing in front of the girl's room.

I'm still upset with you a little bit

That's not really a valid reason to not accept help my babie goose :(

Ok ok maybe I don't want Hanji to freak out and as much as I love her tonight is 100% about Mikasa not whatever might happen with Levi.

"Yeah," he paused, "I wasn't going to anyway.


"OK BYE LEVI!" I screamed slamming the door in his face.




"Hi Eren did you make the dinner it looks really good!" I cheered staring directly at Levi.

I hope you die.

"No Erwin made it :)" the boy smiled back unknowingly.

Ok sounds great.

"Wow Erwin it looks really good Levi could never <3" I praised.

Neber eber :))))))))))))))))

"Wtf do you have against me brat?"

Everything :)

"You were being big mean I h8 UUU!" I stuck out my tongue at him taking a seat right next to Mikasa.

I'm here for you baby.

"Ok whatever let's eat," Levi rolled his eyes.

Yup yup lets eat.

"Hey, guys I- I have something to tell you," Mikasa stuttered clutching her napkin in her hands.

Oh no.

"What?" Eren asked smiling at her between forkfuls of food.

He is not prepared.

"I'm going to be leaving the house," she finished setting down her fork.


"You're what?" Eren shot up from the table his eyes watery.

That happened fast.

Why aren't you crying?

There are no tears left to cry :)

"I'm going to leave the house," Mikasa paused gathering herself once more, "I got a really good job offer closer to the city- I'd have to leave to take it."

No tears left 2 cryyyyyyy im picking it up and picnic yup.

"Why?" Eren barked out glaring at her.

That's no way to look at Mikasa.

"Eren chill out she didn't do anything wrong- respect her," Levi stood up shooting a dirty look at the boy.


"Why are you leaving so soon?" Eren ignored Levi completely.

Respect her decision.

"Look Eren no one is really happy about this but if you really care about Mikasa you would respect her decision to leave the house," Hanji spoke up downing the rest of her glass.

Yes queen.

"Shut up," Eren narrowed his eyes at Hanji.

This is incredibly disrespectful.

"Eren you ca-"

"Shut up Y/N," Eren cut me off rolling his eyes at me.

Ok what.

"What the hell are you doing brat," Levi glared daggers at Eren.

This really shouldn't of happened.

"Shut the fuck up both of you no one cares- you know what Y/N I hope things don't succeed with Levi," Eren paused glaring at me. "I'm sorry I ever tried to give you any advice."


I glanced down at Mikasa who had given up quite quickly.

God this is so stupid.

"Nothing else to say?" Eren barked out turning on his heel and stomping out of the room.

I can't believe that happened.

"I'll go after him," Erwin sighed standing up from his chair.

I didn't even get to eat.

"Mikasa are you ok?" Hanji asked guiding her over to the couch.

"Shut the fuck up both of you no one cares- you know what Y/N I hope things don't succeed with Levi," Eren paused glaring at me. "I'm sorry I ever tried to give you any advice."

That also happened.

I'm sure Levi didn't hear it just go help Mikasa.

"Maybe I shouldn't leave- if he's going to react like that." She mumbled sniffling slightly.

No if anything you need to leave more than ever now.

"Look this job sounds really good and it's not like you can't come back and visit- Eren was just shocked I'm pretty sure he didn't mean anything by it," I reassured her taking a seat on the couch.

Just go for it!

"Yeah but I-" she stopped mid sentence.

Don't let him stop you- you're so much better than that.

"Seriously Mikasa he's overreacting you should forget about it and try to enjoy tonight!" Hanji attempted to lighten up the mood bouncing up and down.

Yup yup.

"You're right," Mikasa gave in smiling slightly.

God I can't believe he would do that- I know he likes her but there's no need to overreact like that.

If he really liked her wouldn't he try to make the most of this last night?

He is only 19 you can't expect him to be that mature.

"I'm gonna go talk to him," Mikasa said her face blank completely unreadable.


"Are you sure about that?" Levi asked glancing at her from the kitchen.


"Yes I'm sure I would regret everything if I didn't," she smiled at us before standing up and heading to the boys room.

Good luck


eren mean 2k19

- ai

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