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it's been a while whoops

this chapter is really short but i may post two tonight

i've never written third person so it's a little awkward but i'm getting the hang of it


third person pov 1

Seungmin and Hyunjin's busses arrived at the station at the same time after school, a detail Seungmin had never noticed because of his lack of proximity to any other students. The neighborhood they lived in housed mostly upper-middle class and upper class residents which translated to mainly 50+ year old empty-nesters in their pre-retirement homes.

At 3:47 both busses stop and both Hyunjin and Seungmins step off. Seungmin is in the same oversized hoodie he left in, the hood up, and has his headphones in.

Hyunjin is no longer wearing the fitted, white and blue sweatshirt he was wearing this morning and his school uniform is ironed and intack.

Hyunjin waves goodbye to someone on the bus, having already made friends with the people who take it regularly, thanks the driver and steps off the bus. He moves towards the trash can by the bus stop, tossing an empty coffee cup in and turns around.

Seungmin turns the volume on his headphones up, disregarding the swarm of people around him and runs straight into a very disgruntled Hyunjin as he turns away from the trashcan.

"I'm so sorry!" Seungmin apologizes as Hyunjin says, at the same time, "Seungmin!"

"Oh it's so good to see you!" Hyunjin launches off, bouncing quickly up and reaching down to help Seungmin up as well.

"I can't even remotely remember the way back to my house! Well, our houses I guess. I was just going to wait here and hope your bus wasn't before mine and I was scared that if it was I would be waiting here until tomorrow morning!" he laughs, watching Seungmin dust himself off.

"Are you okay? I hit you pretty hard. I'm sorry I wasn't paying enough attention I guess -"

"You're fine," Seungmin cuts him off, slightly harsher than he had intended to be.

"What I mean is it's my fault. I'm sorry," he corrects, softer.

"Don't worry about it!" Hyunjin chirps, "as long as you are okay."

Seungmin nods, absentminded, and looks back up at Hyunjin, expectant.

"What? Oh I was saying something! I do that a lot you'll get used to it," Hyunjin smiles, and then continues with his story, walking beside Seungmin as they start to walk back to their houses.

"I was going to email you but are you the type of person that checks your email a lot? I didn't know, although you did respond pretty quickly when I emailed you earlier. I wanted you to have my email as well in case you ever need to get ahold of me, or so you would know who it was whenever you got an email from me. I don't check my email very often, so I'm sorry if you emailed me back. I'll check when I get home. Say, do you have google hangouts? It's linked to your email but it's like an instant message it will let us communicate more or quicker if we need to, plus there's an app ..." Hyunjin continues to talk, obviously used to having the floor in conversations, but Seungmin doesn't mind.

He's listening to Hyunjin, but mostly he's thinking about how he reacted to Hyunjin after he accidentally snapped at him. Seungmin doesn't have a reputation for being nice to people, no matter his intention. He can't remember the last time he cared about offending someone.

But when he heard how harsh his words directed towards Hyunjin were he immediately tried to smooth over the completely unintentional blip in his treatment of him. It unnerving, to say the least, he was completely unused to feeling protective over anyone, much less someone he just met. Maybe it was Hyunjin's vulnerability that caused him to react this way, or maybe Seungmin's lack of success in neighborhood friendships in the past, but either way it was obvious it would take a while to get used to.

"Hey is everything okay?" Hyunjin asked, and it took Seungmin a couple of awkward seconds to realize he was talking to him.

"What? Oh, yeah I'm fine," he nearly chokes on his words, and Hyunjin frowns, skeptical.

"Just tired, today was long," he sighs, and Hyunjin's smiles, his face transforming with the action.

"Tuesdays are always long," he responds, and Seungmin nods, laughing.

"Tell me about it."

Just as Hyunjin opens his mouth to say something, he stops, laughing as he opens the fence to Seungmin's house.

"I didn't even realize we were here already," he says, and Seungmin looks up to see his house, confused.

He looks over at Hyunjin who is still holding the gate, and realizes too late he's holding it open for him.

"Oh, thank you," he mumbles as he hops through the gate quickly, then curses himself for hopping like a foolish child.

"No problem," Hyunjin beams, closes the gates and walks over towards his house, humming.

As Seungmin turns the key to unlock his door he finds himself smiling unconsciously, and laughs quietly as he opens the door and walks inside.


hopefully third person pov will get better

i'm going to start introducing more Hyunjin pov's as well and i'm really excited for the next few chapters

feedback is always appreciated! thanks for reading

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