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first person pov 10 - Seungmin

I have to stay late again for a session with Jeongin and I literally could not feel worse about it.

I call Hyunjin as soon as I know he's out of school, and he picks up on the first ring.

"Don't worry about it, we'll meet up later," he says, and I don't know what to say back.

"This is about tonight, right?" he says, breaking the silence, "you need to stay after with Jeongin?"

"Hyunjin, I - " I cut myself off, thinking for a minute so I can say what I need to.

"I'm so sorry."

He laughs, and it's a genuine laugh, and just the sound of it lifts a physical weight off of my shoulders.

"Don't be," I can hear him smiling into the phone, "I overreacted yesterday and we'll have time this weekend."

I start to say something but I don't know what. I don't know what I did to deserve him.

"Plus," he adds, and I can hear him smirking, "I definitely got a sufficient Seungmin fix yesterday," and then he's laughing again and my face is bright red.

"Stoppp," I say, dragging the word out in embarrassment, but I can't help but smile. I've been thinking about it all day. I've never been so comfortable with someone before.

"Okay my bus is here and you need to get to the library, so I'm going to hang up. I'll see you later, right?" he asks, tentative, and hum in agreement.

"Of course. Bye!" I say as he hangs up, and I stand staring at my phone for a moment before heading towards the library.

I greet Jeongin at our usual table, and he already has his work out when I sit down.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late," I say, and I realize I'm out of breath.

"No worries! I'm sure it was important," he responds casually.

"Yeah," I say, lost in thought, and I watch absently as he starts on a math problem.

Because it is. It's very important.

And I really like that.


I am so swamped with homework it's not even slightly funny. I'm up until one in the morning after finishing the tutoring session, which, all things considered, isn't too bad, but I'm so physically exhausted I think I could die.

But I really wanted to see Hyunjin tonight. It's been so long since we've been able to actually spend time together and I really miss him. When I think about him my stomach physically hurts because I miss him.

I pull up my messages but there's nothing new, and I plug in my phone beside my bed, trying not to think so much about him.

I can't expect him to still be awake, even considering his night owl-like tendencies, but I want to talk to him more than I think I ever have.

I unlock my phone and type the message, hesitating for almost a full minute before clicking send.

to: hyun_jinnie166

thinking about you tonight. sleep well <3

I really hope he's awake.

I refresh my page probably four times in the next minute, hoping he'll respond, but I know it's late. I set my phone on top of the embarrassingly large stack of books on my nightstand and set my alarm for the morning, falling asleep quickly after a long day.

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