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third person pov 2

Seungmin left early for school the next morning, hoping to approach his teachers about opportunities to tutor other students for school credit. He had tutored in middle school, and despite his difficulties with socialization/people in general, he had a knack for tutoring. Being a good student and a fairly quiet classmate, teachers took a liking to Seungmin pretty quickly and he knew the teachers would have no problem finding him some students to tutor. And besides, the school was always looking for student tutors and he didn't need to be paid. Either way it was a win for the teachers.

He took an early bus to school, blasting music on his headphones on the ride in and on the walk from the bus stop to the school. His first stop was his chemistry teacher, and he straightened his uniform as he walked in the class.

An hour later, Hyunjin stepped out of his house after waiting for Seungmin's door to open. He had less time that he had wanted to get to the bus but it was obvious that Seungmin wasn't on time or coming at all, so he picked up speed as he made his way to the bus stop.

He was glad he had studied the bus schedule, but he got lost on the way to the bus stop and nearly missed his bus. All of the seats were taken, so he stood gripping a handhold on the top of the bus as he put in his headphones, already in a bad mood.

He shouldn't have expected to always be able to walk to school with Seungmin, that was ridiculous. They only walked together once. Hell he'd only known him for a day.

Hyunjin silently cursed himself for, once again, getting attached too quickly. He had this crazy fantasy that they knew each other, or at least wanted to. He had followed him on Instagram, that was it. It means literally nothing.

Nonetheless, Hyunjin was in a bad mood. It didn't bode well for his day, he went through his second day at a new school without meeting anyone interesting or new, something that was crazy unusual for him. He knew a lot of people already, so it didn't dent his progress too much, but he hated that Seungmin had the power to put him in such a bad mood. He caught the 3:20 bus home, putting in his headphones and dozing off, hoping to put the bad day behind him.

A notification on Hyunjin's phone woke him up a couple of minutes before he reached his bus stop. He immediately thought of Seungmin, maybe he was the one who sent the message, and scowled as he felt his heart jump at the possibility. The notification was from instagram, but just a like on one of his pictures. He frowned and put his phone down, picking up his bag. His stop was next.

He turned down the volume on his headphones and took one out so he could thank the driver on the way out, and got off the bus. He stopped to throw away the empty coffee cup he was holding, one major perk of the bus schedule was that it allowed him time to stop by a small coffee shop before the bus came, and turned around right as Seungmin ran into him.

He stepped back, shocked, and Seungmin took out his headphones, smiling.

"We have to stop meeting like this," he laughed.

The smile on his face went straight to Hyunjin's stomach, butterflies erupting as he watched Seungmin's mouth twitch into a lopsided grin.

"Hey!" he laughed, stepping backwards again as he realized how close they were standing, "I didn't expect to see you on the bus today."

Seungmin's tilted his head, the smile disappearing.


"Well, I mean," Hyunjin stuttered, "you weren't here this morning," he finished lamely.

There was a pause.

"Oh," Seungmin said finally, "right."

Seungmin cursed himself for not realizing. Of course Hyunjin thought they were going to walk together. Hyunjin didn't even know the way to the bus stop.

"It doesn't matter, really, I just thought," Hyunjin started but he was cut off by Seungmin.

"No, I didn't think. I needed to go early. I'm sorry."

It was silent for a couple of moments as the boys stared at each other.

"Did you get to the bus stop?" Seungmin asked lightly, trying desperately to disregard the weight of the question.

"Yeah," Hyunjin said, unconvincingly, and then corrected, "I got a little lost but I just left too late," he cringed at the thoughtlessness of his last comment. He didn't need to burden Seungmin more.

"I - oh," Seungmin said, his eyes pinched closed.

"It's not your fault," Hyunjin tried, and Seungmin winced.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Hyunjin repeated, and Seungmin looked up.

The eye contact was incredibly awkward and lasted for more than a beat too long. Hyunjin looked away for a distraction, checked his watch and relayed the time back to Seungmin.

"It's 4 o'clock already. Walk home with me?" he asked, and Seungmin nodded silently.

"Okay," Hyunjin whispered, and Seungmin walked up beside them so they could begin the walk to their houses.

Never in his life has Seungmin hated himself more. He was so inept that not only did he fail to realize that of course the expectation of walking together was set, he also had no idea how to rectify the situation it had caused. The awkwardness between them was palpable, even Seungmin understood that. As a last resort, he reached into the pocket of his hoodie to pull out a handful of starbursts.

He extended his hand to Hyunjin.

"Want one?"

Hyunjin looked over, confused, and then smiled widely.



okay so it gets a little dramatic ... hope that's okay

i'm going to start introducion diary entries and first person pov's from Hyunjin

feedback is always appreciated!

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