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first person pov 9 - Hyunjin

When he kisses me first it's light and so gentle, and then he tilts his head and presses his lips against mine, his hands gentle on my arms.

I realize he's giving me an out, but I don't want one. This is what I needed.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pushing him back until he's sitting on his bed, and I sit next to him, pulling him closer to me.

He hums into my lips, content, but it drives me crazy. This is was I wanted. This is exactly what I was missing.

I missed the way we can be doing something or everything or nothing together but I like it because I'm doing it with him. I missed the way we can spend entire days together and not get tired of each other.

I missed the way he smells like honeysuckle and cotton. I missed the way he runs his teeth over my bottom lip because he knows it makes me absolutely helpless. I missed the way he giggles after he does it because he knows.

I missed this.

He does it now, worrying my lip lightly between his teeth and letting go. He's fully grinning as he does it too, and I can tell he know exactly what it does to me. My entire body melts into him, the simplest action making me come completely undone. He giggles, everything he's doing is playful. It's making me giddy, too excited.

He sighs against my lips and I lean into him further, completely entranced in the way he feels and sounds. Everything he does draws me into him, I'm completely lost in him.

Jesus, I'm so in love with him.

I'm pushing against him, falling towards him and into his chest, I'm pressed against him but it's not because I need something else from him. This is all I need.

What was playful is becoming intense and messy, his lips are opening over mine and I'm sitting on his legs, my calves hooked around his waist. I need to be closer to him but there's no physical way for me to be closer to him. And suddenly I'm laying backwards on the bed and he's grabbing at my shoulders, his hands pulling at the sleeves and hemline of my shirt.

He wants me to take it off. I swear I almost pass out when I realize.

I pull away, searching his eyes. I don't want to do what I did last time, I don't want to scare him.

His eyes burn back into mine, and it's so intense I'm nearly choking.

"Yeah?" I say, and my voice is short and breathy.

"Yeah," he nods, and the raspiness of his voice makes me physically weak. I grab the hem of my shirt and pull it over my head, my stomach tightening when the air hits it.

I realize too late that I'm disgusting and sweaty from my run and I'm breathing too hard because of him. I look weak and gross.

I start to shrink away from him but he grabs my arms and holds me, his eyes scanning my shoulders and chest and stomach. I take a deep breath and look up at him, his eyes intense and so attentive, he's watching my every movement and reaction.

He lets go of my arms gently, pushing his hands up over my stomach and chest. I shiver, the feeling of his hands spreading through my entire body. He moves his hands onto the back of my neck, holding my cheek and the back of my head gently as he leans into me, pressing his lips against mine gently. He's not kissing me, just touching his lips onto mine.

It's so intense, so sexy. I don't think I could do anything if I tried.

He pulls away, staring at me, and runs his hands over my stomach once again before climbing off of the bed.

I close my eyes, willing myself to calm down, and listen as he leans down to pick up my shirt.

I hear him stop moving, and I shift onto my side to watch him.

He's turned around, and he's pulling my shirt over his head. It feels like my heart is stopping.

He's wearing my shirt.

He turns around and sees me watching, and he smirks at my reaction. I'm still shocked silent as he leans down and whispers into my ear "I'll be back, but the sunset is beautiful tonight."

He slings his camera case over his shoulder and climbs out the window, but hesitates and leans back in.

"I love how this smells," he says, pulling at the collar of the shirt, and closes the window.

I lay on his bed, flustered, sweaty and burning from his lips, the feeling of his hands on my chest.

Fuck me. I'm so in love with him.


sooooo yeah

big chapter ;)

thank you all so much for your support! updates will speed up and slow down a lot and I can't really predict when the book will be finished but ... thanks for reading I guess! I hope the rest of the book continues to be good 

feedback is always appreciated!

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