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first person pov 10 - Hyunjin

I fall onto my bed as soon as I get home, my mind spinning. The way he reacted to everything today could not have been better.

And everything afterwards couldn't have been much better either.

It's almost dark outside, but he's still outside taking photos. He's wearing my shirt.

And I'm smiling like an idiot because of it.

I flip over on my bed and call Peter, hoping he's still awake so we can FaceTime. He picks up pretty quickly, and it's obvious he knows what I'm calling about.

"This better be about Seungmin because Minho's waiting for me inside," he says, and I watch the background to see that he's parked outside of Minho's house.

And I don't even have to say anything for him to know that this is indeed about Seungmin.

"Are you staying over at Minho's tonight?" I ask, completely unable to stop the grin spreading across my face.

"Shut up," he says defensively, his face going red, "this is about you."

I let it drop for the moment but we both know it's coming up again later.

"Yes this is about Seungmin," I say, and he grins wickedly.

"I can tell. Does it also have to do with the fact that you're not wearing a shirt?"

Oh fuck. I didn't put on a shirt.

"Oh my god your face is so red right now!" he laughs, and I feel myself blushing even harder.

"Nono nothing happened I promise!" I say, quickly pulling on a shirt, but he squints at me, disbelieving.

"Hmmm ... I smell bullshit."

"I promise! I mean we were making out," I start and he raises his eyebrows at me.

"Oooooh Hyunjin! That's definitely something."

"No that's not it, it's kinda routine now," I say before realizing it. It's like I'm inviting him to tease me today. It really has been a while since we've talked.

"HYUNJIN! You've been holding out on me!" He nearly screeches, and I swear my face is completely red by now.

"Shhh!!" I say frantically. He smirks.

"Ohhh, is he still there?" he asks, thankfully quieter, and I shake my head quickly.

"No, no let me finish! We were over at his house and we were making out," Peter grins wickedly and I glare at him as I continue, "and sometimes he does this thing, oh god it's so sexy, where he like drags his teeth over my lip," I realize that my eyes are closed, and I open them to see Peter fully smiling now, nodding in encouragement. My knees are physically weak just thinking about it, and Peter is totally laughing at me.

"Anyways, he has me kind of laid down on his bed and he was like asking me to take of my shirt, like tugging at the sleeves and the hem, and so I took it off, and - "

"Just your shirt?" he asks, winking at me, and I roll my eyes at him.

"Yes, just the shirt. But the real point of this story - "

"This was the first time? He's seen you shirtless, I mean?" he asks and I nod.

"Oh I remember this. And you can still feel his hands, can't you?" he asks.

"Yesss," I say, closing my eyes and I can feel my heart beating as I relive the feeling of his hands sliding over my chest.

"Hey!" Peter snaps his fingers, grinning like a madman, "still here lovebird. What happened?"

"Well," I say and switch the camera on my phones so its facing my window.

"I don't see anything," he says, and I desperately hope it's not too dark.

"He's taking pictures of the sunset. And look at his shirt."

It's quiet for a moment as Peter is, I assume, looking at Seungmin's shirt. And then he screeches in my ear.


I can't even be mad at him for screaming. I turn the camera back around so he can see me.


"Fucking props bro. It sounds like it's going well," he says, and his face genuinely reflects it.

"It really is," I say, and I can't stop smiling.

I'm so lucky to have someone to share this with who won't be jealous of me. I realize then that I'm keeping him from the Minho, which is the relationship he should actually be focusing on.

"Oh I'm keeping you from Minho! I'll let you go," I say, and he tries to protest but I cut him off.

"I know you're fine to hear about this but I want you to see him. We can talk tomorrow okay?"

"I ... okay," he says, and smiles.

I wave at him and end the call, staring at Seungmin through the window.

Just a few moments before the sun completely sets, he turns around and waves at me, the long arms of my shirt almost completely covering his hands.

He knows I was watching.

I can't bring myself to care about it though, and I continue to watch him as he climbs up the tree and back into his window.

I watch his empty window until the lights go off and a notification pops up on my phone.

from seung_kim17

posted ;)


soft hours <3

this was definitely one of my favorite chapters I've written recently, I'd love your thoughts on it!

feedback is always appreciated!

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