Chapter 1, Just a regular morning

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Quick note
POV (point of view)
H/C (hair color)
H/L (hair Leigh)
F/F (favorite food)
E/C (eye color)
F/C (favorite color)
Y/N (your name)

Your POV

I woke up this morning and felt a little dizzy, it's kinda normal? I guess but anywho my names Y/N and I'm 19 honestly I feel as though I'm 22 because I practically babysit 5 sanses. I cook, clean, bake, you name it, I mean it's not horrible but it's a little hard.
Now let's get back to my story.
I heard crashing downstairs and immediately knew blue was cooking again, I sniffed the air and it smelled like tacos, 'Pftt predictable, I better go down and make sure nothing set on fire' I put on some clothes, I put on my F/C sweater and some black ripped jeans, and a F/C headband, and put on F/C sneakers. (You can change outfit) then I headed downstairs only to be greeted by the oven on fire and saw ink blue and sans trying to put it out while panicking, then I looked over and saw error just sitting with a grin on his face watching chuckling here and there. 'Mind telling me why the ovens on fire error?'

Errors POV

I saw blue making tacos then the idiot thought it would be a amazing idea to put them in the oven so they would 'cook faster' andddd then the oven set of fire. Then came ink and original sans and in a panic tried to put it out, then came Y/N she noticed me chuckling at the flock of sans's trying to put out the oven fire and came over and said 'Mind telling me why the ovens on fire error?'
Of course I responded 'BlUe ThOuGt ThAt PuTtInG tAcOs In ThE oVeN wOuLd CoOk ThEm FaStEr, So ThEn InK aNd SaNs CaMe AnD sTaRtEd PaNiCkInG lIkE cRaZy, ItS tO fUnNy'
'And your just sitting here and laughing while the house could burn down?'
'YuP' 'Well good luck with that, I need to save the house once again'

Your POV

I quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and took out the fire to be honest I have no idea why the guys didn't do that in the first place. They after that everyone calmed down, 'Whew thank you Y/N I was stupid not to grab the fire extinguisher in the first place..'
Then error just fell onto the ground howling and laughing 'Woah there error didn't think tacos could make you laugh so hard, now LETTUCE clean this mess up' 'ORIGINAL ME STOP USING PUNS! THEY ARNT EVEN FUNNY!' Soon I began to giggle because of error and the puns 'NOT YOU TO HUMAN!!!! 'I'm sorry blue I can't help it!" I said giggling more, soon everyone was laughing because laughter as they say is contagious. 'Oh my gosh, why were we laughing in the first place?! The house could have burned down!' I said still giggling a bit 'heh true, but it didn't so we're good'
'Hmm what time is it?' I said looking at my watch 'Oh! I need to grab groceries for dinner! How does stake sound?' Everyone nodded there heads in agreement and I set off through a portal that ink made for me, 'are you sure that your gonna be okay?, ink said, 'of course you bonehead, I've done it before, nothing will go wrong and if it does I will call you.' I said and pulled out my phone showing him I had it. 'Hmm I don't know I just feel unsafe because of nightmares gang.' 'I don't even know if they know I exist.' 'I don't know about that, don't forget that have dream captured, we still need a plan in fact.' Ink said 'Well then think of one when I'm gone mkay?' I said 'alright but remember, call if your in trouble.' Ink said 'yes 'mom' I said sarcastically 'pft I'm not your mom.' Ink said 'well your acting like one' I said sticking my tongue out taunting him 'do you want to get grounded? Just get the groceries' he said playing along.

with that I set out to the store with my phone, wallet, and pocket knife just incase, I walked down the side walk of the busy city 'ebott city' it was a nice city I had to admit, not run down at all, if anything more run up, soon I came to the grocery store and made my way inside, I plugged my earphones in and put my favorite song on, then I grabbed a basket and started going around the grocery store and grabbing items I needed, soon I grabbed all that I needed for dinner and made my way up to the front to check out, when all of the sudden I could feel someone or something watching me, I turned around and- nothing. "Am I going insane?!" I thought "probably." I though again then shrugged it off and put my items on the check out conveyer belt, after that I paid the cashier and head down to the park, 'Hmm wouldn't hurt to stay for a little bit' so I headed to the center of the park and saw dreams tree, his side was a beautiful golden glow and the other side was black and dark, that dark side was obviously nightmares, I never met the guy but, I did not get a good feeling about him, especially since he kidnapped dream, his own brother. I walked up and touched it dreams side felt a bit rough and sharp, I jumped a bit when I touched it. Then I felt nightmares side, his felt cool and smooth, 'interesting...' I said a bit curious because I would have thought dreams side would be like nightmares.

Nightmares POV

I was sitting in my part of the tree relaxing when I saw a girl probably 19 walk up to my tree she looked familiar, almost to familiar, Then I realized she was with ink and his gang, I was ready to take her and possibly kill her but then she stared up the tree, I panicked because I though she saw me but she didn't she was just admiring the tree, She was super pretty to she had beautiful E/C eyes and her hair was H/L and H/C it flowed gracefully in the wind covering her face at times In a majestic way. I had to admit I wanted her, I should try to get her sometime I run into ink and his gang again. And with that I went back to my castle and sat on my thrown thinking of a plan to get her.

Your POV

'hmm well I don't care to much- wait what time is it!?' I looked at my watch then realized it was getting late, I started to panic a bit then calmly told my self I would just call ink and tell him to open the portal and if he asked what took so long I would just say the grocery store was busy today. Yeah that should work, I called ink and told him about how it was busy and I was just a bit tiered, he was a little nervous but opened the portal making sure no one saw, I entered in and began making dinner.

I hope you like this story if anybody's actually reading it, I will try to make more chapters as soon as possible! Please tell me if you like this!

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