Chapter 13, Together with nightmare.

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F/H favorite horror movie or a horror movie

Your POV

Ever since me and nightmare got together, things have been actually quite fun, we have been together for 2 months now, which is cool I guess. I had woke up in the middle of the night, and tried to get back to sleep, only to fail, I got up and drowsily opened my door and went to the kitchen, there I was fixing myself a glass of warm milk, when all of the sudden, "BOO" I yelped, and smacked the person who scared me, which happened to be nightmare, once I realized this I immediately apologized over and over, "I'm so sorry nightmare! I didn't know who it was!!!" "Heh it's fine, I scared you after all" "Well yeah" he just chucked, I got my milk and drank it when nightmare asked, "Do you want to watch a movie? You don't seem tiered at all." "Sure" "Great I know just the movie" Then he took my hand and led me to the couch in the living room sitting me down and plopping the movie in, he grabbed a blanket and wrapped both of us in it. I blushed and his response was a chuckle, when the movie came on it said F/H "A HORROR MOVIE!? NIGHTMARE! I GET TO SCARED EASILY!" I whispered screamed, "Perfect." "WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" I whispered screamed again, he sushed me and the movie started.

Towards the end of the movie, I was already clinging to nightmare, but then a super freaky and scary jumpscare came, and I yelped and buried my face in nightmares jacket, he just laughed and kissed my forehead, running his digits (That's another word for skeleton fingers UwU) through my hair, it was soothing and I fell asleep.

Cross's POV (didn't expect that huh?!)

I'm looking around the corner and spying on Y/n and nightmare...

I ship it
(Clicks a pic on phone, it's nightmare kissing Y/n on the forehead)

Yep this is wallpaper material.

Nightmares POV

Soon Y/n fell asleep, I picked her up bridal style and went to her room, there I laid her down on the bed and looked at her, 'She looks so delicate, her delicate figure is enough to drive a guys heart crazy. Good thing I'm that guy, she's mine, my queen.' I thought, and kissed her forehead again, then I pulled the sheets up over her body cause I don't want her to get cold, and shut the door and left.

Heading back to my room I sat on my bed, pondering about Y/n, I can't stop thinking about her, I sighed a harsh sigh, and laid in my bed, drifting off to sleep, just like my queen.

Sorry for the short chapter

Heyyyyyy I know, I need to upload more chapters hhhhh I'm working on it mkay?!

Bye for now!

Hopeless [Nightmare sans X female reader](Finished! Kinda short but yeah)Where stories live. Discover now