Chapter 2 Dinner

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Your POV

I set down my groceries and plugged in my headphones, Then played my favorite playlist and began to cook dinner, I danced gracefully around the kitchen and cooking here and there, I enjoyed cooking a lot, so this was relaxing to me, i was cooking the meat the way my mother used to teach me until she and my father passed away, I still have the charm they gave me, it was the heart of determination, I have cherished it for as long as I can remember, I finished cooking at plated the food then set the table putting out everyone's favorite drinks, then called them for dinner, 'Guys dinners ready!' Soon after I heard fast footsteps and bam, everybody was there at the table seated, I jumped a bit but then sat down in my own chair and we began to eat, 'This is super good! Thank you Y/N!!' Ink said 'MWEHEHE YES HUMAN THIS IS SO GOOD!' Blue said right after 'I aGrEe WiTh tHe IdIoTs' error followed 'ya out did yourself kiddo!' Sans finished off 'Pftt thanks guys' I said blushing a bit, and with that we all finished, I stood up and started collecting dishes but I was stopped by ink, 'Y/N your tiered it's easy to tell, I will not allow you to do the dishes, instead I will and you can go to bed.' Ink said 'ink I'm fine I can do the dishes-' 'A no is a no Y/N, your tiered.' Ink said sternly, 'fine you win, night guys' I said they all said good night and I headed upstairs and put on my F/C pajamas then went to use the restroom and brush my teeth, after I finished I went to my bed flopped down on it and made myself comfy and cozy in the blankets, after that I soon fell into a deep cozy sleep.

Nightmares POV
Y/N started to fall asleep and I knew I could sneak in and see what she was dreaming about, So I entered her mind and saw her in a meadow, she looked so amazingly beautiful, oh how I wanted her, I entered in her dream and she saw me.

Your POV

I woke up in a meadow and looked around, Then I saw him, Nightmare, "so he does know I exist, shoot" I thought "Well this is a dream right? Hmm I need to watch what I'm saying I could say something that could be of use to him..." 'So your Y/N right?'
He said, I jumped at the sound of his voice, it boomed frightening me, He just chucked at my reaction and said, 'Jumpy eh?' He said still chuckling, 'Y-Your Nightmare R-right?' I said obviously afraid, which only made him laugh, I put my mouth to my lips wishing I didn't stutter, 'Yup, That's my name, Now tell me what are you afraid of?' He said, I just stopped and thought "is he really asking me what I'm afraid of?" I thought again and then I was cut out by a clearing throat noise, I looked at him and saw he was serious, 'U-Uh why? I-I don't know what I'm afraid of t-to be honest'
I said again urging myself not stutter but I couldn't help it, he was actually scary, 'Hmm everyone knows what there afraid of, so obviously you know' he said 'Obviously I don't' I replied, then I pinched my self and woke up, jolting upward and smacking my head against the bed wall behind me' (I think it's bed rest idk) 'Owwww' I rubbed my head and groaned in pain, I checked the clock and it said 7:34 am, time to get ready for today I guess.

Eyyyy total of 650 words!!! I hope you like this chapter to who ever actually reads it!

Hopeless [Nightmare sans X female reader](Finished! Kinda short but yeah)Where stories live. Discover now