Chapter 4 Danger

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Quick note

Eyy happy Fourth of July even though I'm 1 day late

Nightmares POV

I saw Y/N drift off to sleep, she looked so adorable and defenseless, I could have taken her right there and then, but I want to make sure she stays, I decided to hatch a plan, My gang of Dust, Killer, Cross, and Fell, would keep dream as bait knowing that the star sans would come and they could distract them while I go get Y/N at there house, the idiots and dumb enough to do that so it's simple but effective, I chuckled at the thought of my plan then left.

Your POV

I woke up at 8:43 am and decided on an outfit that looked like this

(Note that you can change, also the shirt pic is not supposed to have a jean skirt, and credit because the pics arnt mine)After putting this on I went downstairs and made breakfast for everyone, this time I made French toast, and called the guys f...

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(Note that you can change, also the shirt pic is not supposed to have a jean skirt, and credit because the pics arnt mine)
After putting this on I went downstairs and made breakfast for everyone, this time I made French toast, and called the guys for breakfast.

-Time skip since I'm lazy-

Your POV

We finished breakfast and ink told me they were going to try to save dream today and that I have to stay here. 'I guess it's fine I'm just worried about you guys, ya know, since nightmare and his gang are pretty powerful' I said 'we will be fine Y/N, besides I feel much better since your safe here' ink said, I nodded and they were off, I said and waved goodbye and they did to, after they left I sat on the couch and just hugged a pillow, waiting for them to come back, 'I miss them already, especially blue, he's just way to innocent to fight' I sighed and turned on the tv and watched some shows for a bit.

Nightmares POV

They finally left Y/N alone, alone and defenseless, perfect. I went to the house and saw her watching tv, I decided to wait a bit before getting her, not to long after she turned off the tv and walked around for a bit, she was humming a beautiful song, her voice sounded beautiful even when she hummed, then she opened a book full of photos of her and the star sans + error, I decided that now is the time.

Your POV
I opened the photo book ink made for all of us and slightly giggled, there were photos of sans killing everyones moods with his puns, ink and error fighting for blue, and many more, I just stood there smiling at the pictures of us, Then I heard something move, I quickly looked up and saw him, Nightmare, I put the book down and backed away, I was scared, I didn't know what to do, 'I finally meet you in person, Y/N' I jumped a little at his voice, it was a bit loud and scary, his reaction was laughter, I shivered at the sound of it, 'W-Why are y-you here?' Once again I sounded so afraid, 'To take what I want' he said 'A-And what would that be?' I was now truly afraid, 'YOU.' He said, and before I knew it he shot a tentacle towards me, now remembering the training I got from ink I dodged it, he shot more tentacles at me and I fought back, we had a fight for at least 10 minutes before he finally caught me in one of his tentacles, 'Finally I have you, You put up a good fight but not good enough' he said before laughing once again, I had no idea what to do now, this is it, I'm done for, I just let the tears slowly fall done my cheeks, he seemed so proud that he got me, and I just couldn't help but cry.

Nightmares POV

I finally got her, I wanted her ever since I saw her, now I have her, now all I have to do is go back to my castle and get ink and his gang to go away, and I can have Y/N for myself forever, I teleported to the castle thrown room with Y/N still in one of my tentacles, and I set her down on my lap, she didn't agree and pushed away and broke free of my grasp, falling backwards on her back she landed of the floor, 'Owww' she groaned, I laughed and picked her up in one of my tentacles bringing her to me, I put my fingers through her hair and played with it, she didn't like it at all, she looked disgusted, and that only made her more adorable, soon the rest of my henchmen came and stood by me, 'The star sans are coming sir, they are trying to get Y/N' killer said, Y/N's face lit up when she heard they were coming, I growled a bit at that but soon chuckled, 'I don't care they can't stop me, Infact all of you take a "break" and I will deal with them' I said, they all nodded and left, soon the star sans's + error and my brother  burst through the thrown room door, 'NIGHTMARE GIVE US Y/N NOW' dream said, 'Ah brother, Why so quick?' I said, 'Give us Y/N and no one gets hurt' dream said sternly, 'Hmm and what are you going to do?' I asked, he shot an arrow just above my head, 'Oh so your actually serious' I said, oh boy.

Your POV

Dream shot an arrow just above nightmares head, I gasped a little at the action, but that ended when nightmare stood out of his thrown, I noticed his tentacle that was holding me was getting more loose by the second, soon his tentacle left my waist and he just stood there, I started to walk to dream and stumbled a bit, and realized that this must be a trap, as soon as I got to the other end dream engulfed me in a hug and then let go, as soon as he did killer, dust, horror, and fell came out and surrounded us, 'I knew it was a trap!' I gasped, dream and the others just made a circle around me as to protect me, 'we are going to get you out of here Y/N!' Ink whispered 'What a pity, you all thought I would just give her to you? That's priceless' nightmare said, soon I felt a tentacle wrap around me and I was pulled away from my friends, 'Y/N!!' They cried out, pretty soon they were defeated and weary, 'P-Please nightmare don't kill t-them' I said with tears pouring out of my eyes, 'Hm it would be fun to, But I guess I won't' he said 'Thank you nightma-' 'If you stay here forever' he said, I just froze, 's-stay her f-forever?' I said quietly, he nodded, I have to say yes, or my friends will die, 'Y/N DONT DO IT!' Ink said, but I didn't hear ink, I didn't want to, I just nodded and nightmare broke into laughter, which means my life is going to be with nightmare whether I like it or not, and I felt hopeless.

1201 words! I hope y'all like it!

Hopeless [Nightmare sans X female reader](Finished! Kinda short but yeah)Where stories live. Discover now