Chapter 12, A battle for one's love.

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A/n this is kinda getting read a good amount I guess, yay~

Your POV

|Previous: "Nightmare I-I-" "OBJECTION!!!" I gasped and looked towards the door to see not killer but-|

Literally all of the crew, Cross was just blushing and mouthing "I ship it" killer and fell looked hella pissed, dust looked mad? And horror looked betrayed. 'Wait, does horror like me to?!? DOES EVERYONE EXCEPT CROSS LIKE LIKE ME?! Oh frick, I know what's about to happen, great' I thought, I looked over at nightmare.... Boy oh boy was he MAD. I stepped away from what was about to go down, hoping no one will get killed.

Killers POV

After hearing Y/n's singing, I went and took a nap, when I woke up it was early in the morning 'I must have over slept that nap', and when I sat up I saw fell looking hella mad and stomping into the living room, "What with you Fell? Someone throw out the mustard?" I asked "NIGHTMARE IS DANCING WITH Y/N." He replied sternly, "Nightmare... Y/n.... WHAT." I got up and started bolting to the door, to see everyone else there, angrily I was about to open the door when fell came beside, looking just as mad as me. And then we burst the doors open, knowing that this was a stupid idea, everyone started to fight.

When everyone was distracted I ran over and picked up a confused and scared Y/n, bridal style, I ran out the door and kept on going through the castle, "K-Killer! What is the meaning of a-all of this?!" She gasped, "I'm done playing games, it's a free for all, no rules, so I'm going to hide" I replied, I jumped through a portal to whatever AU it opened to, and when I came to a forest, I set down Y/n and plopped on the snow, trying to steady my breathing.

Your POV

When killer set me down he looked exhausted and plopped on the snow, confused but smiling, I giggled at his actions, I went and sat over right by him and played with his fluffy hood, he seemed happy, but I was lost in thought, 'Everyone is gonna be at each other's throats, how can I return the crew to there old happy selves, besides cross' I thought, "You okay kiddo?" Asked killer, "Never better, but just confused." I said, he just chucked and closed his eyes to rest. Before..... "KILLER!" Came a shout of many voices, "They found us" I said "Crap" he picked me up bridal style again and ran, and a bunch of skeletons followed. Pretty soon he became tiered and accepted his fate, he just laid on the snow and just laid there until they came, as soon as killer picked me up, fell also grabbed me bridal style too, but failed... For a certain black gooey tentacle caught his foot, he and I flew head first, but I got caught in a tentacle as well. "THATS ENOUGH!" Nightmare boomed, everyone stopped, "THERES ONLY ONE WAY TO SETTLE THIS! BY LETTING Y/N CHOOSE" "Me?! Well that makes sense but--" I mumbled, nightmare teleported back to the castle, in which everyone else did. When we got there he sat me down on a couch in the living room, and asked "Y/n lately if you haven't noticed (which is hard not to) killer, fell, horror, dust, and i (I believe that's everyone except cross) have fallen in love with you, but you need to decide yourself who you want, so we ask. Who do you choose?" everyone waited for a response, "W-Well I, Uhm, haven't really thought about this, but now that I am thinking about it." Everyone tensed up, "I choose Nightmare." Everyone stayed silent, "I'm sorry the rest of you, I hope we can still be friends!" I smiled awkwardly, since no one was saying a word. Until, "HA LOSERS I NEW YOU ALL DIDN'T STAND A CHANCE!" Nightmare shouted, "Nightmare!" I said in a hushed tone, he realized this and sat back down, "Is everyone okay with me and nightmare being together?" Everyone nodded to my surprise, "I don't see why we can't be friends, we may not be lovers, But~ if nightmare dumps you, I'm always one shoulder to cry on" killer said in a flirty tone, "PFT no way moron" fell said "Ah ha hahaha, yeah that won't happen" nightmare said, wrapping a arm around me and sitting on the couch, laughing and talking, I new life was gonna be either interesting, or great.

The end


This is not the end, merely the beginning of you relationship with nightmare UwU

More coming soon 👊 thanks for reading peeps

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