Chapter 7, dinner and video games

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G/C game console
F/G favorite game

Your POV

We went back to the castle and ate dinner, it was a bit quiet, maybe a little to much, as awkward as dinner was I headed back to my room, nightmare just told me to escort myself tonight, he looked kinda flustered, I don't know if that's normal, as I threw on my pajamas with looked like this

(Pretend the tank top is a oversized t shirt' also you can change it) and sat on my bed, soon I heard a knock on my door, 'It's me killer, hey uh do you wanna hang out in my room? Just for a little while' killer asked, 'Oh! Absolutely!' I said and...

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(Pretend the tank top is a oversized t shirt' also you can change it) and sat on my bed, soon I heard a knock on my door, 'It's me killer, hey uh do you wanna hang out in my room? Just for a little while' killer asked, 'Oh! Absolutely!' I said and walked over to the door and opened it, killer seemed to have a dark blue blush just barley enough for me to see it, we walked to his room and chatted for a bit, 'Hey Y/n? Wanna play video games?' He asked, my eyes sparkled and I nodded, 'Absolutely!!!' I said, and we walked down to his room, soon we entered the room and he plugged in a G/C, and said 'Which game?' 'Definitely F/G!' I said, he chuckled and put the game in and handed me a controller, 'Ya ready Y/n?' He asked with a smug smirk, 'Ready as I'll ever be' I said also with a smug smirk, we played for two hours until I yawned and started to get sleepy, 'Hmmm that's enough games for tonight' he said, 'Nah I can go another round.....' I said, but soon fell fast asleep, and went out cold.

Killers POV

Y/n fell asleep and I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room, she looked adorable, I wanted to touch her hair and play with it and run my hands through it, I set her down on her bed and tucked her in, then I left, 'Have a thing for the human huh?' A voice said, 'No fell, I don't, I just want to know her weaknesses idiot' I replied with a frown, fell just got angry, 'Who the hell are you calling idiot, huh?!?' He shouted back, Obviously not you' I replied, and just walked away.

Nightmares POV

I sat on my thrown bored as hell, when killer came in, 'Hey boss, I was wondering if I should keep the human under watch, just incase she tries to escape' he asked 'Hm, your right, FELL GET IN HERE, (fell comes in) Fell your watching the human now, killer suggested it' I said, wanting something new around here, 'FELL?!?! WHY HIM?! I CAN DO IT PICK ME!' He shouted, 'Why do I have to watch a dumb human?!? Let killer!' Fell argued back, 'YEAH!!!' Killer agreed, 'If you don't get to your jobs in 5 seconds I will make sure you never see again' I threatened, They both sighed and left, now I get to watch them and inspect them.

Fells POV

Why am I getting a stupid human to watch over, mphh, I walked down the hallway of the castle and came to the humans door, grumbling I opened it and there she was, laying on the bed, peacefully sleeping, I blushed a bit and left, 'Maybe I can have some fun for once' I said to myself, I walked back to my own room and laid on the bed and fells asleep.

-Time skip cause I'm way to lazy-

I woke up and went to the bathroom in my room, when I finished I came up to my dresser and picked out an outfit

I woke up and went to the bathroom in my room, when I finished I came up to my dresser and picked out an outfit

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(You can pick which one you want)

And opened my door, I jumped and squealed because fell was standing right there, he had this pissed off look on his face, 'O-Oh uh fell! W-What do you need?' I said 'Nightmare is making me watch you, just incase you try to escape' he said, 'U-Uh I don't think I'm gonna try to, There's no way possible I could' I said, 'Well nightmare assigned me to watch you so I'm going to set some ground rules, first off, I don't want to deal with any crap like whining, second, you do as I say. Got it?' He demanded, I nodded and looked down, 'Now, breakfast is ready' he said leading me down the hallway to the stairs and the dining room, when we entered everyone was there, they all stared at me and it made me nervous, killer signaled for me to sit by him and I went over, only to have a tentacle wrap around me and pull me to the chair by nightmare, killer angrily sighed and crossed his arms, then we ate, 'Horror if you steal my food again, I will personally kill you' cross started, then horror smirked and touched crosses food again, 'That's it you D E A D' cross said pointing his knife at horror, they both got up at started fighting, that is until nightmare stopped them, after that we finished eating and fell got up, 'Come on' he said to me and we left the room.

Sorry for the delay!

Hope y'all enjoyed this!

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