Chaper 5 A new life

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Your POV

All you could do as of now is just cry you sat on the floor and hid your face, there was absolutely nothing you could do, 'Y/N you can't be serious! We can take him!' Ink said, I ran up to ink and hugged him, 'Go, I will be fine, I just don't want him to hurt you' I said, then a tentacle wrapped around my waist and pulled me back from inks arms, ink sighed and signaled for his gang to leave, I waved goodbye and mouthed "I'm sorry" then ink and them disappeared, leaving me with nightmare, 'Now that they are out of the way I can take you to your room' nightmare said, he offered his hand to lead me but I didn't take it, so he picked me up with his tentacles and he walked out of the thrown room and into a hallway, apparently this was a castle and there was gooey black stuff much like what nightmare was covered in dripping through the walls, with white torches on the walls lighting up the hallways, it was impressive and I gasped a little, he just chuckled again, soon we went up a flight of stairs to another hallway and soon came to a door, he opened it and surprisingly it looked cozy and a bit modern, my jaw dropped and he laughed, then setting me down he walked to the door and said, 'Lunch will be ready in about an hour, That should give you enough time to settle in and then I will get you when it is time to eat' then he left, I sighed loudly when I was sure he was gone, I was happy he left me alone for a bit, I plopped on the bed and to my surprise it was memory foam, it was soft and had silk sheets that were F/C and shiny, I fell fast asleep, dreaming about my friends.

Nightmares POV

I could sense Y/N went to sleep, I wanted to enter her dream and scare her, after all she looked so adorable when she was scared, but I had to go and inform the others that she was gonna stay here, permanently. I gathered my gang in the meeting room and announced, 'As you all know Y/N is here, she will be staying here permanently, so dust and killer no killing her, and horror no eating her' they all sighed and nodded, and the meeting was over, I asked fell when the food was gonna be ready and he said about 5 minutes, I nodded and left heading upstairs to go wake Y/N, when I entered her room she lay peacefully on her bed, her H/C hair cupped her face perfectly, she looked so adorable I almost hated to wake he up, but she was going to join us for lunch and that was that, I shook her a few times and she woke up, 'nghh what's going on?' She said half awake and half asleep, 'It's time for lunch' i said, 'mhh fine' and with that she got up, I walked her out of her room and we headed down stairs, soon we arrived at the dining room, i sat her beside me and then I sat down, pretty soon cross and killer were fighting, 'HEY! KILLER STOP TAKING MY FOOD! YOU HAVE YOUR OWN!' Cross said, 'Yours tastes better' killer said, 'If you don't stop arguing, both of you will become food' I said, 'At least I would taste better then cross' killer said, the Y/N started to giggle at what killer said, she has such a cute giggle, I thought to myself.

Killer POV

Me and cross were arguing when nightmare said, if you don't stop arguing, both of you will become food' then I said I would taste better then cross, the the human, I think Y/N started giggling, she has a cute giggle, which made me blush blue a little.

Your POV

You giggled at the statement killer made, which made him blush a little, you thought that maybe killer isn't so bad, we all finished lunch when I was heading to the door to wait for nightmare to take me to my room, when I felt a tentacle wrap around my waist, I frowned, I still getting used to the tentacles, 'Now hold up there where do you think your going Y/N?' He said, 'I-I thought I was going back t-to my room' I replied, 'Killer here is going to give you a tour of the castle, he will escort you now' he said and signaled for killer to lead me, And killer came over, 'Are you ready?'he asked I smiled and nodded and we left the dining room and killer started the tour.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! More to come!!!

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