Chapter 3 training

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Your POV

I woke up and hit my head against the back of my bed (I think it's a bedrest) 'Owwww..' I said rubbing my head, then realizing the dream I tried to awaken from, I gasped and said 'Nightmare knows I exist, what do I tell ink?!?' Thoughts started flooding and racing in my mind, as I sat on my bed tears threatened to pour out of my eyes and I let them, I don't know why but I did, not long after ink came in 'Y/N? I heard a bang in here is everything alrig-' he saw my tears and my scared expression, 'Y/N! What happened?!?! Bad dream?!' Ink said 'not a bad dream, a horrible nightmare' I said still crying a bit 'that nightmare was emphasized, what happened' ink said with a very serious tone, 'Ink he knows I'm alive he came into my dream! What does he want from me!?' I started panicking and ink sat on the bed and put his hand on my shoulder, 'Y/N it's okay we will keep you safe from him, normally he doesn't care about people let alone go into there dreams, so he obviously wants you and or needs you for some plan' ink said I just sat there in awe that a horrible nightmare that he is would want me, but why?! 'But why!?! Why me!?!' I said as the tears threatened to pour out again, 'I do not know why Y/N, but all I know is that we need to keep you safe, actually get dressed then meet me downstairs, got it?' He said I nodded my head and he left the room, so I got up and put on a white t-shirt, my F/C jacket, some black kinda short shorts, and a pair of F/C sneakers. The I set off downstairs and met ink in the hallway, he nodded and led me into a room with a dummy in it, 'Now that nightmare knows your alive and possibly wants you, you need to have some defense, so therefore this dummy is nightmare' and with that said ink glued on four black tentacles, but they were made out of cardboard, 'Uh ink? How is this gonna help?' I said very concerned 'just trust me' said ink giving me a quick wink.

-Time skip because I'm lazy so this is after training-

Your POV

I finished training and well, I'm a fast learner so it wasn't all to hard, 'Well done Y/N! You certainly are a fast learner! Now you'll be somewhat ready for nightmare, just in case we slip up by accident' ink said 'Gee that makes me feel so much more safe' I said sarcastically, 'Well we can't always protect you, but we will certainly try! Ink said trying to lift the mood, again it didn't really help, but I just gave in a weary smile and I went to the kitchen, it was 8:23 am so I decided to make breakfast, Ink came in and offered his help, and I said of course! So with that we started making pancakes, eggs, and bacon. We zipped around each other and it was actually pretty cool, we did nicely together in the kitchen, soon we finished and right on time, for soon came 2 groggy skeletons and 1 who was wide awake, 'Ink is the living dead coming toward us or is that error and sans?' I said jokingly and laughed, 'if it's the living dead then WE are dead' he joked along with me, sans and error just plopped down on their chairs and I gave them there favorite drinks and the food that me and ink made, blue happily sat down and waited for his food, I gave him his favorite drink then the food, and we began to eat, ink tapped me on the shoulder and whispered 'Y/N shouldn't we tell them about nightmare?' Ink said, I almost choked on my food and whisper replied 'I don't want them to go to protective overdrive, if you want I guess you can tell them' he nodded and said, 'if I could grab you attention for a second' he began 'we have a very serious situation on are hands' ink said 'WhAt WoUlD tHaT Be?' Error replied 'Y/N is in danger, nightmare wants her for a possible plan, we need to protect her from now on' ink said, everyone stopped eating and looked at each other then me, 'AnD hOw Do We KnOw ThIs?' Error said, 'Because Y/N had a dream that nightmare decided to crash and therefore we know he needs/ wants her' ink replied, they all nodded there heads as to agreement to protect me, 'WHY DOES NIGHTMARE WANT Y/N?! SHE DID NOTHING TO HIM!' Blue said 'we don't know but all we need to know is that she needs to be protected at all times when we go out' and with that ink and the others just ate in silence.

Errors POV

I can't believe that idiot nightmare is trying to get Y/N, she's way to innocent for him, I'm going to kill him when I see him, 'If He WaNtS Y/N tHeN hE wIlL sToP aT nOtHiNg To GeT hEr' I said, clearly everyone knew that and they just nodded, obviously she will fall into nightmares hands because of these idiots.

Your POV

Everyone was quite for 10 minutes straight, even blue, it's kinda scary if I'm being honest, 'Well where can I go now that nightmares hunting me?' I said, truthfully I didn't actually know, 'Here, your staying here, it's only going to be an emergency should you step out of this house, I do not feel safe for you now' ink said 'Are you kidding me?!? I'm going to stay in here forever?! This is stupid! I can handle things on my own!' I said practically shouting 'YOU WILL STAY HERE UNTILL IT IS SAFE, YOU CAN NOT TAKE ON NIGHTMARE, HES WAY TO POWERFUL' ink said practically shouting back, scratch that, shouting back, I got up and went to my room, I sat on my bed and crossed my arms, 'I can't handle this nonsense anymore, If he wanted me so bad then I would be gone by now' I laid down and just drifted off to sleep, trying not to care about anything I only drifted off more.

Hello! I hope to who's reading this enjoys it so far, I'm trying to get them done as quick as possible.

Thanks for reading!

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