Chapter 6, a tour with killer + jelousy

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Killers POV

Nightmare signaled for me to take Y/n on a tour of the castle, I walked over to Y/n and asked her if she was ready, she smiled and nodded, gosh she has a cute and warm smile, I blushed a bit but put that aside and we set off, i walked her into different rooms and she just stared in awe, she was adorable, we walked some more to different parts of the castle, and then we arrived at the torture room, she gasped and said 'W-Why is there a torture room?' She asked shaking a bit, and I decided to have some fun, 'Because we use it for guests who stay here forever, especially when they act up' i said in a creepy tone, she jumped and stared at me with a look of confusion and scared mixed together, I started to laugh until I was on the floor and crying laughing, she just stood there with a now look of humiliation and a bit of anger, 'That wasn't funny killer' she said, 'I-I know *laughs* but the look on you face was priceless' I said I stopped laughing and she punched me lightly on the shoulder jokingly, 'Sorry I just needed a good laugh today' I said, she giggled a bit and we continued are tour.

-Time skip brought to you by jelousy-

Your POV

We finished the tour and nightmare was waiting for us he just sat on his thrown and killer did a dramatic bow, I snorted, knowing killer was trying to make me laugh, 'Okay killer you can stop, anyways the guys are bored, any suggestions about what to do for fun?' Nightmare said, killer looked surprised to hear that nightmare wanted to do something fun, 'How about we watch a movie?' I said, 'Hm which movie?'nightmare said, 'Oh! How about F/m!' I said (Favorite movie) nightmare nodded and killer showed me to the living room, he plopped on the couch and I sat beside him, soon everyone came in, nightmare sat on the other side of me and put in the movie, meanwhile fell was making popcorn, horror and cross had a staring contest, then fell brought out the popcorn, and then we enjoyed the movie and popcorn, after the movie finished it was almost time for dinner, 'I will escort you to you room Y/n' nightmare said, 'why can't I escort her to her room? Why is it you' killer said, 'You already took her on a tour' nightmare growled a bit, 'Well I can escort her to her room aswell' killer spoke, 'G-Guys-' I said meekly, but I was to late they both glared at each other and the magic started swirling in the air heavily, before I knew it they started going at each other, it was scary if I'm being honest, but all of the sudden I was picked up bridal style and take out of the room at full speed, I looked up and it was fell, I probably looked like a tomato form blushing because I wasn't used to being picked up bridal style, we went to my room and he set me down, 'Sorry for the rush but you probably would have been killed accidentally' he said a but shyly, I smiled and said 'It's fine, I don't think I properly introduced myself, I'm Y/n' I said, I could see red blush? Spreading above his what would be his nose, I giggled softly and held out my hand, he took it and said 'Er' sorry, I'm underfell sans, call me whatever nickname you want, the guys call me
fell' he said, 'I think fells a good nickname' I said and smiled.

Fells POV

She keeps smiling, God her smile is so warm and comforting, I want her, yeah but nightmare would have my head, maybe I can flirt in secret, hmmmm possibly.

Your POV

Me and fell chatted for a while until we heard footsteps, fell seemed nervous as hell, I looked at him in confusion until the door flew open and off the hinges, there was killer, standing in the doorway looking frustrated as heck, as soon as he saw me ran over to me, picked me up bridal style, and bolted out of the room, 'KILLER!!!!' Fell screamed, he was right behind us when nightmare appeared in front of us, 'KILLER' nightmare said, only this time his voice boomed through the castle, without hesitating killer bolted like his life depended on it, which on this case it did, 'Killer isn't this taking it to far?!?! And what's with you guys and picking me up bridal style!!?' I said 'NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!' He shouted back, pretty soon we teleported to an au in the forest and he set me down, he was huffing and panting crazy, 'Killer are you okay?!' I asked, 'Yeah I'm *Huff* fine' he replied, 'Okay then what the heck is going on' I asked, 'I just *wheeze* wanted you *cough* to myself for a bit' he said, I giggled and said 'you bonehead, you could have just hung out with me in my room' I said, I sat on the snow and held my arms open wide for killer, he sighed and came into my embrace blushing while at it, 'Ya know for a skeleton your actually really warm, I giggled softly, 'and your skin is soft and warm' he replied, I blushed and chuckled, it felt like hours, but only 3 minutes had passed when I felt a tentacle wrap around my waist and pull me away from killer, 'Uh! Killer?!' I yelled, he noticed quickly and got up, he growled, 'Nightmare! Give me back Y/n!' His eye started to glow brighter and brighter by the second, meanwhile I was being held in nightmares tentacles, 'Why were you with killer' he demanded, 'Killer just wanted to hang out with me alone for a bit, that's all' I said as my voice got quieter by the moment, his tentacles squeezed me more by the second as nightmare was filled with anger for killer, I had enough of this for one day, 'GUYS STOP!!' I shouted, they both stopped and turned there attention to me, 'Guys it's time for dinner right? Can't we just go back to the castle and eat, and just forget about all of this' I said trying to state that I was tired and hungry, they both angrily sighed nodded and we went back to the castle.

Sorry to leave you on that note but I wanted to get a chapter out!

Hehehhehe drama

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