Chapter 9, losing trust

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and kept running until I was tripped by something, I scraped and bruised everything, well that's what it felt like but I had cuts everywhere, and soon I was surrounded, "Shoot" I whispered, and tears formed in my eyes. "Gotcha."-

Your POV

Great, just great, now I'm never gonna be able to get out of my room, knowing nightmare he'll keep me there, *Why do they even care about me!?! Why do they want me to stay!? More like want me trapped* I thought, as I was thinking I hadn't noticed nightmare grasped me with one of his tentacles, I broke out of thought and jumped a bit, tears still slowly spilling out, "Don't think that you can escape, you just got lucky, but since you escaped there will be a punishment, no food for 3 days, and you will be locked in your room for those days as well" he said, I just nodded and looked down, soon he and his gang and me went back to the castle, I looked over at killer, he seemed betrayed, *Really? What's with that look!? If you where kidnapped you'd try to escape* I thought and quickly sighed, there's no way I'm going to escape if I try, they will catch me, soon we came to the castle, nightmare nodded and the others left, he took me to my room and pushed me in, he did it lightly as though he wouldn't want to hurt me, then he shut the door and I was alone, I just sighed and went over to my bed and laid down, soon I began to yawn and I decided to take a nap, drifting off I hoped that killer didn't hate me to much, if he did then there goes the person I can trust the most.

Killers POV

Y/n tried to escape, but we caught her, I can't believe she would try, I thought she liked it here! Am I not a good friend? Well I mean we did kidnap her, but still, sigh I wish nightmare didn't punish her, I can't see her at all and I have to be stuck with these idiots, they'll just tease me unlike Y/n she would tell me jokes and laugh and smile, her smile was warm and bright, a promising smile, that anyone would give into. Maybe I can sneak in and see her when the times right.

Nightmares POV

Of course Y/N tried to escape, she misses her 'Friends' for some reason thinking about her with them made me jealous, I don't know why, they don't like her, do they? I shook off my thoughts and went downstairs and came to the kitchen, where pretty much everyone was there drinking except cross, he just sat there staring at them, I marched in a grabbed a bottle of cola, I wasn't in the mood to drink, I hardly ever, "Sup boss, still mad about Y/n getting out?" Fell said, "Right, I was gonna say this before but I want someone always watching Y/n, I don't care who" I said, "I will!" Said killer, realizing he shouted it he sat back down in embarrassment, "Ya gotta thing for the human huh?" Said horror, "Pft no, it's just none of you idiots could watch her, I'm the best at it" bragged killer, "Okay mr I'm the best, how about a challenge, if you can keep Y/n from escaping while you watch her for a day, and if you do better then us, then I will buy you a bottle of whatever drink you want" said fell, "Deal!" Killer shouted, "Pff this is sad, I'm going to find actual excitement somewhere else" I said as I walked off.

Killers POV

Oh this is gonna be easy, and I get to spend more time with Y/n! This is gonna be the best week of my existence.

Wow are people actually reading this? Woah hi

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